
Homemade Vegan Chocolate Banana Icecream with 2 Ingredients

Ingredients to Make Homemade Vegan Chocolate Banana Ice-cream with 2 Ingredients

- 3 cups Ripe Bananas...
4 tbsp unsweetened Cocoa Powder
Optional): 1 tsp Cinnamon Powder, 4 tbsp nut butter, chunks of fruit (not puréed), coconut and so on.

Steps to Make Homemade Vegan Chocolate Banana Ice-cream with 2 Ingredients

1. Use only soft and ripe bananas. Peel and freeze them until solid.
2. Purée the bananas and cocoa powder in a food processor until the texture is that of a smooth soft serve ice-cream..
3. The ingredients thus far are all you need to make a basic homemade vegan chocolate ice-cream. However, if you like, add any other optional ingredients to your homemade ice-cream. In reality, this homemade vegan ice-cream will be wonderful even with only the 2 main ingredients.
4. Place your homemade vegan ice-cream into the freezer until hard. Depending on your freezer's settings, it may take about 5 hours to harden.

Other Desert Recipes to Accompany this Homemade Vegan Chocolate Banana Ice-cream

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