
Meaning of Madonna's Frozen; Magick & Hecate Hekate

In Madonna's music video for the song 'Frozen', she appears in Death Valley. Apart from being one of the hottest places on Earth, Death Valley is at the lowest elevation in North America. Borrowing from the Western depictions of 'Hell' or the 'underworld', these facts suggest a hell on earth that exists because the collective heart of mankind is needlessly 'frozen'. It is not surprising that their hearts are spoken of being frozen which further carries the connotation of death.

Many of the visual cues suggest that Madonna represents Hecate, a Greek goddess of crossroads, guardian of keys to new spiritual paths and most often associated with the mystical underworld, necromancy and the protection of witches.

For instance, Hecate has been represented as having three faces, heads or even bodies, which may include those of animals. The 3 faces or bodies that looked in different directions were believed to represent a crossroads as Hecate was said to be capable of seeing into the past, present and future. The most common type of animal associated with her was a bitch (a female dog), especially a hellhound. Hellhounds are three-headed dogs that guard the entrance to Hades, the underworld. Not surprisingly, she was believed to manifest herself in the form of these animals. Other animals include the serpent. The music video shows her and her clothing shape-shifting into a serpent, a dog and herself in triples.

To be clear, the message is that people whose hearts are 'frozen' are spiritually dead despite their state of being physically alive. However, death is not meant to signify something that is final. Rather, it may mean the transition from one state of consciousness to another when one arrives at a critical juncture in life or crossroads.

Although Hecate is known to carry the keys, the song tells its listener that "you ARE the key" as if suggesting that any solution is already potentially within each person. This song is reminiscent of the Matrix movie in this regard. Although The Matrix movie shows its protagonist Neo as 'the one' who must save the world, a deeper analysis reveals that each enlightened person is potentially 'the one'.

In summary, Hecate is suggesting to the world that people should "melt" their hearts to have a happier life. For instance, even from the start, she rebukingly questions the logic that if you can only "see what your eyes want to see. How can life be what you want it to be". Her rebuke lists examples of how humanity's focus is skewed with selfishness, greed and hatred.

You're so consumed with how much you get
You waste your time with hate and regret
You're broken when your heart's not open


The song is unequivocally alluring. This is most palpable in the chanting 'mmm' that begins each line of the chorus.

Mmm, mmm, if I could melt your heart
Mmm, mmm, we'd never be apart
Mmm, mmm, give yourself to me
Mmm, mmm, you hold the key

This seduction may explain why casual listeners often believe the song refers to amorous love when, in fact, it is a mission call to members of the human race. Needless to say, this very personal feel of the song is most likely an intentional attempt to reach listeners on a very visceral and emotional level. 

Targeting listeners this way makes complete sense! Anyone who knows anything about magick knows that stirring emotions, especially through music makes listeners highly suggestible.

For listeners with backgrounds in conventional religion, ie who are most often taught to consider anything unknown or magickal as 'evil' consider this song that way. This is evident in public online reactions to this song. However, Hecate's magick, like that of any other source, including that which exists in conventional religion is neither innately good nor evil. History shows that magick has always been used either way and carries consequences in the direction of a skilled practitioner's intentions.

In short, this song calls on members of the human race to create positive change for the world as a whole, ie a warmer, 'unfrozen' environment. This change can occur only through embracing love. Specifically, this involves ridding oneself of hatred, greed and the other human states she highlights in the beginning.

I am by no means an expert on Hecatean traditions and am therefore open to your informed comments and ideas.


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