
Hermetic Principle of Correspondence

This is the 2nd instalment of a 7-part series on the 7 hermetic principles of natural law.

#2. Principle of Correspondence

"As above, so below. As below, so above."
This principle is a reminder that patterns repeat themselves across the various planes of reality, along the full range of scale, ie no matter how big or small, potentially into infinity. A fractal refers to a part of something that has the same essential characteristics as the whole through the full range of scale. This type of predictable recurrence of fractals is useful. For instance, you can make reliable predictions of patterns on different planes. Additionally, this level of consistency is evidence that, despite differences in planes, the manifestation of the pattern on one plane is undeniably connected with the other. 

From an individual human perspective, your outer state generally reflects your inner state. For this reason, journal strategically, ie to observe patterns that exist in your life, like the types of situation and people you repeatedly encounter.

Example(s) of correspondences.
  • Fractals in nature.
    • Even if not entirely identical, small branches of a tree, blood vessels replicate the general Y-shaped pattern of the large tree from which it was extracted. Each instance is a matter of extending the self in a type of 'controlled randomness' for greater efficiency. When broccoli spirals, it does so into cone-like structures (ie instead of flat structures) that gives each fractal more sunlight exposure than otherwise.
  • Synchronicities. The superconscious mind sometimes reveals its connections with your microcosmic consciousness in obvious ways. It does this through 'synchronicities', ie meaningful coincidences or rapid manifestations that sync with your thoughts or feelings like when you encounter someone or thing shortly after thinking about them, seemingly randomly. These synchronicities are gentle reminders of the interconnectedness between our inner and outer worlds. If you have trouble remembering these synchronicities and consequent manifestation, force the issue by smiling more to strangers. Generally speaking, people respond more positively.
  • You need not be invited into the private board room meetings to know the essence of what occurred. This is because the actions taken, especially those that follow a clear pattern, reflect decisions made during those private meetings.

Applying this principle
Once you can see patterns in your life, identify ways in which you can alter something, internally and or externally. This requires you to also consider and engage the other principles. For instance, considering the principle of cause and effect, identify those things that you can alter that can have an effect. The easiest is usually oneself. However, as that principle shows, you may also need to consider other aspects of life that improve the probability for creating your desired effect. Apply the other principles like thought (mentalism) and emotion (vibration) and so on. For instance, allow your emotions to be as they would if you already were in the state of what you desire.

  • Journal in a strategic way, ie with the intention of finding patterns in your life. Note synchronicities and what are reflecting about your inner world. Avoid time wasting toxic positivity. Observe your negative thoughts and patterns. Work hard to improve your dominant thoughts. Study the principle of mentalism.
  • Be consistent.
  • Create balance. Balance refers to the practice of aligning your thoughts, actions and emotions with your intentions.
  • Be patient. In most cases, manifestations do not occur immediately. Remember that, before the skin of an apple turns bright red, a sign of ripeness, it must first gradually transition from being green to being ripe.  


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