
Hermetic Principle of Rhythm

The Principle of Rhythm is the 5th instalment of a 7-part series on the 7 hermetic principles of natural law.

#5. Principle of Rhythm

"Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates." Kybalion

The universe was built to follow cycles, ie processes in which continuous and predictable changes occur. Rhythm is the driving force that maintains cycles. This principle recognizes that all matter is in constant motion, rhythmic motion. Rhythm is the 'ordered and recurrent alternation towards polar opposite'. For sound, this relates to the pattern of alternation in time between sound and silence; for politics, left wing and right wing; for astronomy, day and night or Summer and Winter; and so on. While the pendulum swings away from one polar extreme and towards another, this principle does not necessarily suggest that rhythm swings the pendulum fully towards polar extremes. In other words, each stage within a cycle could have moderate (non extreme) pendulum swings to the left before swinging back moderately to the right and so on. Similarly, in seasonal cycles, the elements (like air, water, soil, fire and spirit) have different levels of intensity, like a lot of water in wet seasons versus little water in drought.

The YouTube video by Pater Amadeus 'The principle of rhythm - the Kybalion' (above)

Going with the flow: your path to empowerment
A key takeaway from this principle is to observe these cycles, recognize inherent opportunities in each stage and then take advantage of those opportunities accordingly. 

Needless to say, timing is everything. For instance, this is why we must wait for fruits to ripen. You might work on fruit-related matters like weaving the harvesting baskets, getting the tools and so on but you just do not pick the fruit as yet. Inherent within this idea is to resist fighting against these cycles. Perhaps this is the origin of the saying 'go with the flow'.

Take time to specifically identify and analyze cycles in your personal life; internally (like your moods, stages in life and health) and external (like astronomical alignments, quality of relationships, periods of isolation, political climate). See how you can take control of your life within the cycles rather than be controlled by them. What 'high tides' can you ride? Even the down times can be used with suitable activities that help to transmute the negativity that you normally associate with those times. in fact, since the pendulum can swing in the opposite direction with the same measure, if you have an extreme down period, see ways in which you can harness an extreme alternate reality. See downtime such as solitude from rejection, mourning from loss and the like as opportunities for positive change like healing or preparation for a better reality as opposed to seeing it as victimhood. Needless to say, you can harmonize yourself and become the ebb and flow of cycling energy. In the many rags to riches cases like Oprah Winfrey, the pendulum swing was made possible by engaging all the other principles with this one. This ranged from the idea of what was possible (mentalism), pain and desires that were so intense that they created a potent vibrational force (vibration) and so on

Video by YouTuber Law of Insight: 'How to master the law of rhythm (to master your life)'

  • The menstrual cycle has distinct phases that you can use strategically to your advantage.
    • Women are most fertile during ovulation, ie roughly 12 to 14 days before the next period. On that basis, if a couple wanting to have a child times their attempts to conceive accordingly, their rate of success will significantly rise. While conceiving otherwise is possible, couples wanting to conceive will be swimming against the natural tide. They are likely to become frustrated.
    • The pre-menstrual period can often cause depression. Maybe it can be likened with an autumn, a period of rest. In such a case, rather than become impatient with yourself, go with the flow by doing activities that are more restful and transmute your down mood into something more positive. For many people, activities can include art therapy, gardening, light study and reading.
    • Sluggishness during menstruation can force you to rest more than normal. Consequently, this downtime can be an opportunity to heal. Besides, a woman's body can use menstruation to detox itself. 
  • Gardening. Planting seeds according to the appropriate planting season for specific species will significantly raise your rate of success. Water loving soft plants like pak choy is more likely to thrive during the wet season but struggle or need extraordinary effort on your part during the dry season. Struggling against the dry season is essentially unwillingness to accept the principle and to go against the flow. This non-acceptance often results in suffering.
  • Magick is commonly done according to sabats ie high energetic points within astronomical cycles like equinox and solstice points.

    Magick is practiced at these times much like gardening during appropriate seasons. ..... Even regular lunar changes are used in the same way. For instance, during a waxing moon (ie when the moon is growing in size and light), it is best to try to manifest things of growth like wealth. Conversely, the waning moon is more conducive to lessening, like weight loss.
  • What is the cycle of your mental states and stamina
    • Are you sharpest in the afternoon ... or morning ... or late at night?  Schedule your more complex tasks for that time. Schedule your rest and relaxation time for your low energy periods. 
    • Take cues from your physical environment. 
       YouTube video by Alecia Renece 'Winter reminds us to rest'

  • When crises occur (like personal or other types of loss), they often disrupt your rhythm. However, in the moment, as much as possible, see them as temporary disruptions to your still true, underlying rhythm. Since natural law allows for both ebb and flow in nature, your natural rhythm will eventually re-emerge, bringing with it a renewed sense of balance. Consequently, treat the disruptions as opportunities for learning and growth (much like the opportunity for rest forced upon a woman by her premenstrual phase). 
  • If you allow a baby, a new plan and so on to be born at the correct time within its natural cycle of life, you raise the probability of success. 
  • Coastal tides can mean drastic changes in water levels. Ships may need to time their arrival before falling tide in order to enter or leave a river entrance.
  • Humans have created financial markets which have predictable stages of growth and crisis. Long term investors know and exploit these cycles to their advantage. 
  • In the political space, changes sometimes occur that feel like polar opposites to pre-existing regimes. Arguably, this is reflected in the voting in of US President Donald Trump, after many nervous white supremacist voters took action to swing the pendulum immediately after the first black US presidency.
  • Personal habits follow cycles.

Applying this principle with the principle of polarity
In the earlier article on the principle of polarity, I spoke of striving for de-polarization. Since the alternate swing of the pendulum will occur with equal measure, moderate how far you swing in the direction that is your default polar tendency. 
  • With either form of bipolar mood disorder, I think persons should study their triggers and natural methods of tempering their polar extremes. This also requires understanding the principles of polarity and vibration.
    • type 2 sufferers may strive to minimize their extreme lows (major depressive disorder / MDD) in ways that go with the natural flow of the low, like restful activities that bring you a feeling of well being.
    • type 1 sufferers may strive to moderate the mania while with 

Immutable rhythm, mutable effect
A common concern is that the desirable things one manifests (like wealth) can be lost. While such an eventuality is possible, master the all 7 of the principles together so as to counteract the effect of this immutable law. 


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