
Candle magick

While burning rituals are used for banishment, burning candles is usually used for manifestation. As with anything else in rituals, candles and the process of burning them are accessories in your ritual process that help to intensify your intentions and the impact of your ritual.

Candle magick is like a refined version of the childhood practice of making a wish over a birthday cake. In some cases, practitioners like to leave their candles burning as a constant reminder of their intentions and what they have put out into the universe as they pass by it throughout the day. 


Be clear about your objective first so that you can select the candle appropriately. 
Select candles based on considerations like those below that are appropriate to your objective.
  • Color. Select colors based on the meanings the colors have. You may pair colors with each other according to the intentions of your ritual.
    • Chakra colors are a very common practice. Here are some typical uses.
      • Yellow candles when you take back your power for you and your ancestors because that color and its significance correspond with the solar plexus chakra.
      • Yellow for happiness
      • Orange relates to wanting success and opening roads to success.
      • Orange relates to courage
      • Pink relates to relationships, especially those of affection that include friendship and romance
      • Red relates especially to relationships of passion
      • Black or white for banishment or protection
      • Blue for successful and peaceful communication
      • Blue for peaceful emotions
      • Green for money, loving devotion to your business
      • Green for healing and health
      • Purple for advancing oneself spiritually, opening your third eye and so on.
    • Orisha colors are a common practice.
      • Yellow relates to the Osun orisha.
    • White is the universal color that may be used for anything at all. (It can be likened to the clear quartz crystal). In fact, once it was not very intentionally fixed for a specific intention (as with essential oils or other additives), white (or any) candles may be re-used, especially if for the generally same purpose. You can also dress white candles with accessories that set them for specific purposes. 
  • Size. Select candles whose expected burn time correlate with the gravity and duration of your magickal impact.
    • If you are praying over a safe journey that lasts several hours, a small candle that lasts a few hours is required (ie over a large one that lasts for several days)
    • If you praying over a situation like recovery over an illness (like Covid, a flue, cancer, etc), much longer-lasting candles are more suitable. 
  • Shape & other presentations. Whether pillar or jar candles, geometry and so on very often is superseded by safety.  
    • Jar candles are generally safer than pillar candles.
    • People have left candles burning for up to 7 days by placing the candles in baking pans, inside of their bathtub with water.
  • Scented candles or DIY anointing your candles. Optional. scented candles are perfectly fine. However, if you want scented candles, consider those with natural aromas from essential oils because different essential oils carry their own vibration. Needless to say, use fragrances according to the purpose. You may simply rub essential or anointed oils over candles before using them. Anointing oils involves adding essential oils to a carrier. Since fragrances have vibration, avoid chemical fragrance oils.
    • Camphor is for connecting with divine forces and removing negative energy
    • Mint associates with purification and protection.
    • Rose associates with love and pairs well with pink candles.
    • Cinnamon associates with enhanced intuition and spiritual awareness.
    • Lemon associates with the solar plexus, throat and third eye chakras
  • Candle dressing & carving: Herbs, bark, flowers, roots, healing crystals and other accessories. Optional. As with the point above regarding fragrance, you may use herbs that correspond with the intentions of your ritual. Some people sprinkle herbs over candles. You can also use an athame or just a toothpick to carve intentions or at least symbols of them directly onto the length of the candle or wherever the carvings can fit.
    • Cinnamon powder is so intense that it is believed to boost the potency of anything else
    • Healing stones that correspond with the intentions of your ritual

. Declare your intention.
Read the flame. Common interpretations include the following. However, it is necessary to ensure that mundane reasons do not explain the behavior of the flame. For instance, an open window that allows wind can cause the flame to act differently than otherwise.  
  • steady flame. Spirit is working on a clear, solid result and has aggregated all necessary elements like your prayers, spiritual team members and son to render results.
  • Short flame. You need to add more to your work. 
  • Flickering flame. Spirit is present in a very strong way and calling your attention to notice Spirit's presence.
  • Crackling flame. There is resistance with your work. 
  • Flame goes out / flame will not start. Spirit is not proceeding with the intention for one reason or other. Reasons may include your needing to focus or do otherwise. Sometimes you need to spiritually cleanse the environment and or yourself.
  • Dim. Your energy is not sufficiently intense.
Prepare candles to be re-purposed. Some practitioners believe in using a single candle per spell or general purpose. Since this is not practical for many people and candle magick is only a tool that depends heavily on the strength and purity of your intentions, many people re-use or re-purpose candles. However, many do so through a process.
  • After using a candle, extinguish it and bury it in salt or prepare to smudge it before re-using it. 

YouTube video 'Candle magic | the power of candles' by Blaque Witch YaYa


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