Below is my personal cleansing program that I created and use at home. It is divided into a few major objectives like the 'ease in', 'parasite cleanse', 'liver cleanse' and so on. Each such objective is labelled as a 'phase' to suggest how a single day might look while tackling that objective 'phase'. Depending on your needs, you may remain at a single phase for more than a single day.
Some objectives are better tackled before others. For instance, it is generally better to tackle the parasite cleanse before the liver cleanse. Consequently, each objective is labelled with phase numbers (like phase 1, phase 2 and so on) only to suggest my sequential order. Depending on your needs, you may follow the sequential order precisely. However, you may need to customize the plan in some cases. For instance, if you are a man, you will skip the vaginal douching. In some cases, you may also tackle several phases simultaneously. Phases marked 'X' are wildcards. They may be started at any time and for any duration.
Furthermore, the duration of each 'phase' and, in turn, the overall cleanse period will vary among attempts and people. Variabilities are therefore a matter of personal health concerns, convenience and intuition. For instance, even though you and a friend begin phase 1 on the same day, you may be at different phases by day 5.
When using herbs, take care to extract as many of the medicinal properties without destroying them. For instance, if you choose to use an herbal tea, while you may simmer the roots on a very low fire in a covered pan, it is usually best to steep the leaves in a tea leaf press or tea pot.
I was steeping Moringa tea (with other leaves for phase and flavor). Buy this tea pot (by Primula). It steeps up to 5 cups. |
A list of ingredients and or items appears in each phase. However, ingredients are usually implied in bullet points like "neem tea". In that case, you will need either loose neem leaves or neem tea bags. Once that ingredient is available, you have the option to buy dried leaves by clicking the link. NB: You need not buy all options. Therefore, if teas other than neem are suggested for a phase, you may choose only one.
If you can, invest in a high quality water filter. Why cleanse to remove toxins with contaminated water? Read my short personal discussion on what the superior filtration power of Crown Berkey systems. (It removes fluoride and much more than average filters. Read how you may be able to do a fluoride detox.)
Crown Berkey Water Filters: 2 Filter Elements
Crown Berkey: Stainless Steel; 2 black Crown Berkey filter
elements; 2 PF-2 filters; Up to 6.5 gallons of purified water hourly
Crown Berkey - 2 filter systems through AmazonCrown Berkey Water Filters: 8 Filter Elements
Crown Berkey: Stainless Steel;8 black Crown Berkey filter
elements to purify water; 4 Sports water purification bottles;
Up to 26 gallons of purified filtered water per hour
Crown Berkey - 8 filter systems through AmazonUp to 26 gallons of purified filtered water per hour
Regarding markup, my personal experiences and observations are marked in italicised green print. Sections marked with a green asterisk (*) should be applied throughout the program, even when the practice has not been mentioned in later sections. Sections marked with a red asterisk (*) may be continued for up to only a few days and those with an amber one (*) may even continue for up to roughly 30 days if necessary. For instance, parasite infestations can be best tackled over a longer period to target all reproductive stages. Without further ado, go ahead and take control. I also welcome your comments.
PHASE 0: The Night Before
- As much as possible, complete your 'morning' chores (like filtering extra water, setting out ingredients, washing dishes, preparing clothes, collecting items for DIY art therapy activities and so on). This will allow you to start the day well with more time for meditation and other forms of healing. *
PHASE 1A: Ease in. The ease in process is a point of getting the body ready for the cleanse that, based on your usual life style, might feel drastic. It is therefore useful to ease what may be a drastic change for your body. NB: If you normally consume animal protein, lots of fat, gluten and dairy, this 'ease in' process may extend for up to 3 days. This phase (1A) may be done in conjunction with phase 1B, especially if there are concerns related to kidney health.
- Upon rising on an empty stomach:
- For spiritual and mental preparation, try one or several techniques. Meditate with healing intentions, constructive thinking exercises, earnest prayers, etc. Banishing prayers useful like the Abbe Male Spiritus. A mantra that invokes divine healing is 'Om Ram Ramaya Swaha'. (Listen to Deva Premal's rendition on Youtube video).
- Non strenuous exercise. Examples include 1) the 'Surya Namaskar', a sequence of sunrise yoga poses that stimulates the endocrine system and major muscle groups; 2) yogic breathing exercises called 'pranayamas' that meet your specific needs, like Kapalabhati aka Shining Skull 1 for support against diabetes or emotional trauma (I do these pranayamas while holding the apana healing mudra, shown below) and 3) Reiki self healing (Level 1 Reiki practitioners can perform this task) *. If you are new to yoga, consider learning the basic yoga techniques like breathing and poses that are specifically designed for cleansing in a program like this with local classes and or a DVD like this: Total Body Cleanse Yoga With Sybille Part 1 [HD]
and Total Body Cleanse Yoga With Sybille Part 2 [HD]
The Kapalabhati aka Shining Skull 1 pranayama for diabetes and emotional trauma involves exhalations that resemble discreet coughs. (I do these pranayamas while holding the apana healing mudra, shown below). It is important to focus on the exhalations since your body naturally inhales as you momentarily relax between exhalations. Also focus on your third eye, ie roughly 1 inch above and at the midpoint between your eyes. It it said that this pranayama energizes that part of the body and thus the reason for the name, 'shining skull'. It is worth learning the proper technique before starting. However, as a concise guide for those who already know how to do the kapalabhati / shining skull pranayama, do the following. Sit squarely or, preferably for breathing ease, stand while bending the knees gently and the torso forward to roughly 45 degrees. Do 10 to 20 repetitions, empty the lungs and hold for as long as you can do so comfortably, refill lungs to roughly 2/3 of their capacity and relax the body as much as possible while holding for as long as you can do so comfortably. Return to a full yogic breath or normal breath, and, if you choose, repeat the process again. NB If you are hypertensive, skip the steps for holding your breath or the entire exercise.
- All the while, slowly sip water. The water may be oxygenated with food grade hydrogen peroxide and blessed. Alternatively, the water may be energized with Reiki.*
- Whenever feasible, incorporate yoga hand positions to enhance the detoxification process. For instance, holding both hands in the 'apana' mudra (pictured below) is particularly useful during this period for accelerating the process of these (and any type of) physical detoxification. Maintain enough pressure to feel the energy flowing through your finger tips. (Caution: Elderly persons with stomach or liver concerns should limit the apana mudra practice to 10 minutes daily. Additionally, sufferers of diarrhea, dysentery or cholera should avoid the apana hand mudra altogether.)
- Breakfast (very easily digestible):
- Grace before meals*. This involves remaining mindful of the healing power of good food. For instance, you may visualize healing not only during those moments before eating but also throughout the meal. Eat in a pleasant environment.
- Watery fresh onion soup with greens (moringa, vegetable broth powder, dandelion greens, bran flakes, natural sea salt, turmeric, cayenne pepper). No animal protein, heavy starches or carbohydrate, sugary foods, flour-based ingredients, alcohol or legumes (like protein-rich foods that include nuts, peas, lentils and beans). However, you may use legume sprouts (Sprouting 101: Lentil Sprout Demo). Add greens and turmeric after turning off heat. Do not do large amounts that require re-heating that damage the nutrition in light greens.
- sauerkraut with about 1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil and crushed garlic. May accompany salad
- unsweetened herbal infusions (moringa leaf)
- After breakfast and between meals:
- unsweetened herbal infusions (moringa leaf)
- sauerkraut with about 1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil and crushed garlic. May accompany salad or be eaten alone.
- Lunch:
- Same as breakfast. (If you are worried about becoming bored with the repetition, use soup for one meal and a large salad for the other)
- General activities throughout the day
- Study literature that helps you to free and strengthen your mind. An example of this is Charles Haanel's Master Key System * (Buy in audio or paper format). If your circumstances require, learn about psychic vampirism, how to escape toxic relationships with narcissists and psychopaths and how to remove toxic psychic cords. For even more in-depth knowledge, study books like The Shadow Effect: Illuminating the Hidden power of Your True Self by Deepak Chopra et al or review my article Are you a Civilian Mind Control Super Soldier, after all, you need not have been in the MK Ultra program to be a #CivlianSuperSoldier.*Final preparations of your space, ingredients and equipment for the cleanse period
- Have probiotics available. Make or buy sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, kefir and or buy powdered probiotics. (See how to prepare water kefir)
- If you use healing crystals, program your crystals for your specific health concern. Be sure to also charge your crystal afterwards.
- Remove anything that could obstruct the progress of your cleanse. For instance, if you find it hard to stay away from sweets and alcohol, stop buying them and remove them from your home.
- DIY art therapy (ie artistic creativity projects for healing)
- Chandra Namaskar at dusk or in the evening
- Supper (no later than 2 or more hours before bedtime)
- Fresh organic salad and or barely steamed or raw greens (no legumes). BTW, the flowers of Cassia Alata (whose leaves are used in the liver phase) can be used in the salad.
- Bed time
- As much as possible, complete your 'morning' chores (like filtering extra water, setting out ingredients, washing dishes, preparing clothes and so on). This will allow you to start the day well with more time for meditation and other forms of healing. *
- Meditation, constructive thinking exercises, earnest prayers, etc *
- If constipated or bloated, Drink a laxative:
- In 1 cup of room temperature water, add 1 tsp of powdered / whole psyllium husk. Add more psyllium husk if you are familiar with how how much your body needs. If possible, also add 1 tsp of slippery elm. As an alternative to psyllium husk (and slippery elm), use senna tea. NB Senna leaf, especially psyllium husk are unsuitable for those suffering from kidney disease.
- Sleep in complete darkness (to promote your body's ability to produce natural melatonin, a powerful antioxidant that promotes healing) *
PHASE 1B: Kidney cleanse. The kidneys are a final point of filtration and detoxification. Consequently, kidney cleansing and general kidney health care should be among the earliest objectives when undertaking more aggressive detoxification programs for the colon (like the salt water flush that may begin during phase 2). Read more about why kidney cleansing may be a very important preliminary step for the salt water flush.
- Kidney Enemas
- Kidney phase (below)
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PHASE 2: Parasite cleanse. If you are particularly concerned about parasites, consider extending the parasite cleanse by a few days before starting the liver cleanse. To know if you have a parasite problem, read this post.
- Upon rising on an empty stomach:
- Drink water and perform non strenuous mental and spiritual exercises (as discussed above under 'day 1')*
- Salt water flush (optional. Decide whether doing this flush along with the enema is too aggressive for you. For most beginners, it is probably better to choose to do one or the other. The flush may be preferable for fasting.
- Enema (neem enema. Subsequent days, garlic enema at potency suitable to your personal tolerance) and or for a very aggressive approach if your body can handle it. If your body can handle it, graduate to doing this enema as a high volume enema*.(Buy neem leaves
) (On day 3, I did this neem enema when the evacuations were relatively clear. In my case, that was roughly 12 hours after the salt water flush. I think this order was useful to allow my body a better chance to absorb the neem. It was quite effective. During one cleanse, it was possibly 'too effective' because I went into a healing crisis aka Herxhelmer Reaction. Fortunately, I knew about healing crises and did not stop the cleanse process. I increased my water intake to help my body to expel the new concentration of toxins so the symptoms could subside.)
- Breakfast
- See soup above. (Consuming soup is less aggressive than fasting with the master cleanse lemonade or my substitute for the master cleanse lemonade. This substitute may be useful if organic limes and lemons are not available).
- sauerkraut (see above)
- Lemonade (See my Tropical version of the Master cleanse recipe or Buy the 'Complete Master Cleanse: A Step-by-Step Guide to Maximizing the Benefits of The Lemonade Diet
' by Tom Woloshy)
- After breakfast, snacks, other meals for the rest of the day
- FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous Earth (DE) and or crushed garlic in lemonade (Master cleanse recipe). BTW, DE is also useful for a fluoride detox.*
- Herbal teas throughout day*
- Soursop tea
(also very effective as anticancer treatment. Learn more)
- Coraili (Momordica Charrantia) tea (BTW, this herb is also good for diabetes) *
- Water when or if the other forms of water (like soups and teas) will not meet your water requirement (of roughly 8 to 10 glasses for the day)
- Small portions of soup, sauerkraut and or salad in quantities that will not bloat your stomach. Excessive gas in the GI tract and flatulence are signs of parasite die-off that is too rapid. Eat less sauerkraut to slow this process down.
- DO NOT EAT LATER THAN ROUGHLY 2 HOURS BEFORE BED TIME. This will help to properly digest foods.
- Bed time
- Same details as in 'Ease In' phase above
- If constipated or bloated, Drink a laxative:
- 1 tsp of powdered / whole psyllium husk (or more if you know this ingredient and how much your body needs) in 1 cup of room temperature water. If possible, also add 1 tsp of slippery elm. ... Alternatively, use senna tea.
PHASE 2: Vaginal Douche You may continue this for up to 5 consecutive days, if required.
- Meals: same as 'phase 2: parasite cleanse' (above)
- Herbal teas throughout day
- Phyllanthus amarus (Seed under leaf)
- Verbena officinalis (Vervain)
- Bedtime:
- Raw apple cider vinegar or tea tree oil douche.
- At the end of this phase, use a douche with lactobacillus bifidus (ie probiotics or good bacteria).
PHASE 2: Chelation for heavy metal detoxification
You may continue this objective for up to 30 consecutive days, if required.
- Meals: same as 'phase 2: parasite cleanse' above
- Consume the following throughout the day. However, I do not use these clays while doing kidney cleanses.
- Bentonite clay *
- Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (DE) n water, herbal teas or other liquids *
Beginners usually pursue this fast for up to 10 days. Others may proceed for up to 40 consecutive days if required. Use intuition and common sense. For instance, I did this phase for 14 days despite being used to this fast. Given my relatively light weight and how my body felt, I did not want to lose too much weight and did not believe my body needed much longer. If high-volume enemas are used, the maximum number of days may be reduced. Additionally, you can know when your body is becoming cleaner by a few signs such as a clean mouth and breath upon rising. You may tackle this and parasite cleanse simultaneously. However, this phase is a fast and therefore does not include the meals of the parasite cleanse.
- Upon rising on an empty stomach:
- Salt water flush OR use sea salt water enema.
- NB. Whenever pursuing a series of colon flushes (oral and or anal) and if you can use enemas (ie anal flushes), use the acidophilus enema as the last of all enema repeats 1) on the final day of all types of cleanses or 2) on the final day for taking enemas or salt water flushes.
- Meals:
- No solid food
- Herbal teas or other beverages throughout the day
- Momordica Charrantia (Coraili) tea
- Aloe vera juice or gel (do NOT use this every day for an extended time because it continues its cleaning action, even if you are already relatively clean). How to cleanse the colon with aloe gel.
- Noni Juice (also useful when preparing for liver cleanse and or if you are experiencing pain)
Bed time
- If constipated or bloated, Drink a laxative:
- See details above in the 'Ease In' phase
- On the final cleanse day before your ease-out period of all cleanse types, you should no longer feel constipated or bloated and should therefore no longer require a laxative. Otherwise, your body might still need further cleansing.
Kidney cleanses may be done around the time of the liver cleanse.
- Upon rising on an empty stomach:
- See details in either 'parasite cleanse' or 'master cleanse' section marked either * or *
- Meals:
During this time, I do NOT use chelation clays (see 'chelation' phase above) because of their high absorbency. I suspect they may counteract my attempts at flushing the kidneys.
- See details in either 'parasite cleanse' or 'master cleanse' section
- Herbal teas throughout day (and *soups)
During this time, I do NOT use chelation clays (see 'chelation' phase above) because of their high absorbency. I suspect they may counteract my attempts at flushing the kidneys.
- Pepperomia Pelucida (Shine Bush)
- Damiana
- Corn silk tea
- kalanchoe pinnata (leaf of life)
- Papaya leaves
(for shrinking benign prostate enlargements). (See permaculture needs & yields analysis for papaya to learn about more healing properties)
- stinging nettle
- soursop leaves
- parsley
- aloe vera (also good for cleaning the colon and liver)
Liver cleanses should be done after parasite cleanses. However, they may proceed before, during and after colon cleanses (see master colon cleanse or 'master cleanse' above). If you need to pay special attention to liver, incorporate the steps as the full instructions for a liver and gall bladder flush.
- Upon rising on an empty stomach:
- See details in either 'parasite cleanse' or 'master cleanse' section marked either * or *
- Coffee enema. If or when you are able, graduate to doing this enema as a high volume enema.
- Meals:
- See details in either 'parasite cleanse', 'master cleanse' section marked either * or * or 'meals' section in the full liver and gall bladder flush instructions.
- NB. Even if not on the master cleanse & lemonade fast, use its lemonade or lime juice recipe. The vitamin C is useful to support the liver and its cleansing.
- Herbal teas throughout day (and soups*)
- Cassia alata (King of the forest)
- Phyllanthus amarus (Seed under leaf)
- Milk thistle
- Verbena hastata (Blue vervain or swamp verbena)
- Guava leaf tea
- *Dandelion root
- Lemon grass (to boost liver function)
- Aloe vera
PHASE x: Nervous system boost
'X' is a wildcard phase. *
'X' is a wildcard phase. *
- Use spiritual grounding techniques
- Herbal teas throughout day
- Leonotis Nepetifolia (Ball bush)
- Rosemarinus Officinalis (Rosemary)
- Soursop leaf tea
- (Lemon grass)
- Damiana
PHASE x: Digestion concerns.
'X' is a wildcard phase. * Sleep on your left side to boost digestion because of the positive implications gravity has on several organs (including the stomach, pancreas, larger and smaller intestines and so on). FYI, you are more likely to have a bowel movement upon rising. Your Besides, in part because the left side of your body is the stronger lymphatic side, your body can filter toxins and lymphatic fluids more efficiently that way. FYI, sleeping on the right side may worsen digestive problems. (Sleeping on your left side might be unsuitable in some cases that involve heart disease, gaucoma and sleep apnea). Learn about how you can speed up and maintain good digestion.
- Herbal teas throughout day
- Papaya leaves
(nb, bitter taste). (See permaculture needs & yields analysis for papaya to learn about more healing properties)
PHASE x: Pancreas. 'x' is a wildcard. Start on any day and for as long as desired. *
- The apana mudra (pictured above) is also useful for regulating diabetes
- Herbal teas throughout day
- Fresh garlic cloves
- Dandelion root (simmered) or Dandelion leaf (steeped)
PHASE x: Hypertension concerns.
'X' is a wildcard phase. *
- Herbal teas throughout day
- garlic, radish, ginger root, turmeric, mustard oil, christophene
PHASE x: Gluten Concerns (including celiac disease). 'x' is a wildcard. Start on any day and for as long as desired. *
- Herbal teas throughout day
- Papaya leaves
(to break down gluten). (See permaculture needs & yields analysis for papaya to learn about more healing properties)
PHASE x: Cancer concerns. 'x' is a wildcard. Start on any day and for as long as desired. *
- Herbal teas throughout day
PHASE x: Chikungunya treatment. 'x' is a wildcard. Start on any day and for as long as desired. *
- Herbal teas throughout day
DAY ?: Ease out Colon Cleanse (Prebiotics & Probiotics). This objective is marked with a question mark ('?') because you may end this cleanse program at any time. NB: Do not eat solid foods immediately. Rather, ease out of this cleanse gradually as follows. In order to maintain a healthy diet at a low cost, consider a kitchen gardening from which you can increase your yield simply by using plants that can be used not only for their fruits and vegetables but even their leaves.
- Upon rising on an empty stomach:
- See details in either 'parasite cleanse' or 'master cleanse' section marked either * or *.
- Discontinue all regular enemas and or salt water flush (mentioned above). Rather, use acidophilus enema only. If you do not use enemas, consume a lot of prebiotic and probiotic foods as follows. (See how to prepare water kefir).
- Breakfast & Lunch:
- Fresh organic orange juice
- Prebiotics:
- 1 tbsp Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar with mother (NOT the distilled vinegar)
- alliums (onions, garlic)
- flax meal (source of prebiotics)
- Lots of probiotics
- plain unsweetened yogurt
- sauerkraut
- kimchi
- kefir
- After breakfast, snacks, other meals for the rest of the day
- nutritionally dense, unsweetened herbal infusions:
- Supper:
Do not eat a lot.
- Small portion of watery fresh onion soup with greens (moringa and dandelion greens, bran, natural sea salt, turmeric, cayenne pepper) and flax meal (a prebiotic). No animal protein, heavy starches or carbohydrate, sugary foods, flour-based ingredients, alcohol or legumes (like protein-rich foods that include nuts, peas, lentils and beans). Add greens and turmeric after turning off heat. Do not do large amounts that require re-heating that damage the nutrition in light greens.
- sauerkraut with about 1 tbsp extra virgin coconut oil and crushed garlic. May be tossed in salad with light salad greens that may include cherry tomatoes, kalanchoe pinnata (leaf of life), moringa leaves.
If this info is useful, please support us.
Remember, I am not a medical or naturopathic doctor. You should therefore do your own research. I would be however very interested to know your findings and experiences, especially if you could add to the above.
- Liver and Gall Bladder Flush
- List of Enema Recipes
- Prepare Water Kefir
- Libations
- Setting up an altar
- How to End Relationships with Narcissists and Psychopaths
- Psychic cord cutting may be useful while cleansing
- The Abbe Male Spiritus banishing prayer
Hi there,
ReplyDeleteI am trying to use one of your posts as a source for a paper I am writing for school but I cannot seem to find the author's name anywhere. Could I have that information please? And thank you ;)
Hello Dorothy, If you can use the name of a group, the official name is 'Naturopathic Control'. If this is problematic, please let us know. Thanks!