
7 hermetic principles of natural law, How to apply them

Natural law is expressed 
through the '7 Hermetic Principles'. The principles apply to all forms of nature. They became widely known through the 1908 publication 'The Kybalion' by the anonymous author or authors called 'Three Initiates'*. However, they date back to ancient Egypt where the principles were said to have come from Hermes Trismegistus (aka Thoth), the scribe of the gods. 

1. The Principle of MENTALISM
2. The Principle of CORRESPONDENCE
3. The Principle of VIBRATION
4. The Principle of POLARITY
5. The Principle of RHYTHM
6. The Principle of CAUSE and EFFECT
7. The Principle of GENDER

These principles are the blueprint of God or the universe because they manifest consistently in everything, regardless of your cultural bias for understanding life. There are no gray areas that are open to multiple interpretation or manipulation. They are the black and white, inescapable laws of the universe.

By understanding these principles, you can empower yourself considerably. This does not mean that you will live problem-free. However, you will be able to better analyze challenges so as to rise above them.

Each is preceded by the word 'principle' from Latin meaning first or most necessary as a reminder of the following assertion by the Three Initiates. 
The Principles of Truth are Seven; he who knows these, understandingly, possesses the Magic Key before whose touch all the Doors of the Temple fly open.”

Know all 7 principles together
In order to get consistently good results, you should learn ALL of the principles, ie versus focusing on only one or the other as was often the case in the New Age movement's popular narrow focus on the law of attraction, which is secondary to principles of vibration and mentalism. 

The different principles work together. Ignoring one may help you to get results but only for as long as another principle undermines what you have done if you have not already considered that other principle.


YouTube video by Mark Passio 'Mark Passio - Natural Law Seminar 0 New Haven, CT, Part 1 of 3'. From 1hr, 29min, 15sec until 1hr, 34min, 38sec, Mark defines and describes natural law. At one point (1hr, 21min, 26sec), he uses an every day scenario to illustrate the immutability of natural law. Specifically, he speaks of how the laws of gravity will not spare a baby from falling over a cliff to a gruesome death, irrespective of that child's innocence or lack of knowledge of the law. Given the immutability of the law, it would be wise to learn how gravity works in order to know how to avoid strife. Perhaps this means not walking close to the edge of a cliff, erecting barriers and so on. The same applies to hermetic principles of natural laws. The principles exist in everything.

This post is the first of a 7-part series to cover each principle for the sake of knowing these principles "understandably".

YouTube video by Victor Oddo 'How to release "frozen emotions" quickly'

Applicability to daily life
Just as laws of physics govern the physical world, so too does natural law govern the spiritual aspect of our physical world. In other words, the spiritual world exists almost like a parallel universe.  


* It is believed that the 'Three Initiates' was the pen name of William Walker Anderson

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