
Libations 101

What are libations
A libation is an African ritual that involves pouring usually a liquid as an offering / sacrifice to a spirit with which you are nurturing a relationship. 

Relationships that are honored in libations
The relationships are typically with 
  • ancestors
    • named
    • others (likely un-named) who can pass down knowledge and traits [that you specify during your calling upon] 
      • shamans. (Shamans is an intermediary between the physical and spirit words. They are healers, speak with the spirit world using altered states of consciousness and escort depart souls to the spirit world. They have the power to influence the spirit world) 
    • those who fought for a cause with which you align. I refer to these ancestors as the covenant bloodline. 
    • energies from the [4 cardinal points] / the energies in the [4 elements]
    • animals in nature (who may send you signs)
    • Libations may be offered to the living and dead. 
  • Relationships are not limited to those with humans but can also include those with the spirits of the Earth, animal kingdom (who gave you signs), feminine or other specific energy within yourself and so on. If you garden with passion, consider that, when you water your plants, you are essentially offering libations to the spirit of the Earth.

Purpose of Libations
Libations are used for a few reasons.
  • The predominant reason is to pay homage. Paying homage is an acknowledgement that essentially says something like 'I am grateful for your presence', 'I respect you greatly', 'I admire your a-b-c traits'.
  • To make an offering
    • Offerings are way of saying 'thank you'. 
    • In some religious practices, offerings have otherwise been used for making atonement for a past wrong. I do not know if libations as offerings are typically done for this purpose. However, since libations are a matter of expression within a relationship, I think that offerings to say 'I'm sorry' is also fitting.
  • To request something.

Occasions during which libations are used
Libations are a matter of communicating your position within a relationship. They are much like how you communicate for the same reasons in human relationships to pay homage by saying 'I love and respect you'; to give gift offerings, whether for special occasions or for no particular reason or say 'Can you help me please?'. Like any other human connection, your timing and frequency for doing libations is a matter of the closeness of your relationship with the spirit. Libations may therefore be done 

Yeyeo Botanica YouTube video 'Libations: pouring offerings for the ancestors'

Libation substances
The offering most commonly involves pouring a liquid. Regardless of the substance, it has some very personal and spiritual symbolism and significance to practitioners. 
  • water
  • coconut water
  • alcoholic beverages, like wine, rum and so on
  • oil, like olive oil, palm oil, ghee 
  • milk
  • honey
  • rice  (not common)

Single practitioners may use different substances according to the current purpose of the libation. For instance, water is used for a subtler effect when doing work that involves healing and blessings. Conversely, alcohol is used for more fiery ceremonies that may involve deploying energy, striking back at enemies and so on.

Vessels into which libations are poured
The vessels often are a matter of practicality. For instance, people unable to pour libations onto the ground may do so into a glass jar, bowl, a house plant or other. 

The Process of Pouring Libations

Do not worry about doing the process perfectly. Sincerity is most important. 
  • Before you begin:
    • decide for whom you are pouring libations and the appropriate greeting
    • decide on why you are pouring libations 
    • ground yourself. Relax and breath deeply.
    • Optional. Spend time contemplating their work, their photographs, words, writings, things they said to which you wish to respond and so on. in the case of famous people, look at documentaries about them.
  • Call upon the spirit in a very specific way. Example(s)
    • I invoke  / call upon the spirit of ... [to be highly specific about who  or what you are calling up, describe traits of the spirit that are specifically relevant to you in the moment.]
    • I salute the energies from the [4 cardinal points] / the energies in the [4 elements]
  • Assume a body posture that is most meaningful and practical for you. Example(s)
    • Kneel while pouring the libations. Specifically, place the right knee to the ground. Remember to proceed in comfort. Consequently, if your knees are hurt, stand.
    • Stand
  • Pour a small amount of the libation substance.
    • Pour libation liquid (water, wine, etc) onto the bare earth in your garden 
    • Pour libation liquid (water, wine, etc) into a ceremonial bowl on your altar
    • Pour libation liquid (water, wine, etc) into the soil of a house plant

  • Say 'Ase' / 'Axe' [pronounced AH SHAY'] which means 'power' or 'Amen' which means 'so it is'. 
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  • Give your message as per your reason for the libation. 
  • Close with your word of supplication (like 'ase' or 'amen') 3 times.



  • See a group libation session with Dr Umar.  

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