
Working With Ancestors 101

Connecting with your African ancestors (Ancestral Reverance)
Most people call upon the ancestors to build a relationship, much like the relationship one would have with a physical person. However, the relationship is based on honoring and taking guidance, just as you would regarding highly esteemed elders. Ancestors are perceived as elders that are capable of sharing wisdom and guidance. You can invite ancestors to be your spirit guides, but somewhat in the way that psychic mediumship occurs. Specifically, you can ask them to give you signs, make you feel and sense things that help to guide you. Of course, you must select the ancestors that are appropriate because of their knowledge and wisdom.

The interaction with ancestors can take several forms. For instance, in many African traditions, ancestors are invited to attend major functions with libations during the birth of a child, weddings, funerals, before major interviews, speech engagements and so on. However, do not wait for big community level events, African people should connect with the ancestors alone in the privacy of an altar at home

Dr Mumbi's YouTube video 'Why we call on our ancestors'

If you develop a close relationship with your ancestors, they can download knowledge and wisdom to you that is beyond your normal human capacity, this is especially the case when you have a special mission and they have chosen and gathered around you very specifically in accordance. 
  • Dr Mumbi gives the example (at 07:47) of an effective healer with wisdom beyond his personal knowledge and understanding. When faced with a client needing help, the ancestors gathered around and told him what ingredients to use. Dr Mumbi's YouTube video 'How do our ancestors give us our superpowers'
  • @11:36 in her video, Dr Mumbi uses the example of a young president in Burkina Faso, Ibrahim TraorĂ© who, at only 34 proceeded with strength and wisdom beyond his age or normal to the extent that he may even be a reincarnated ancestor at least in part from ancient times. The reincarnating spirit can be likened to the way in which physical characteristics, illnesses, gifts and otherwise are passed down through bloodlines. His bloodline may come from a lineage of powerful people in the past. His trailblazing abilities make him untouchable by his enemies. This is because his ancestors gather around to protect and help him while dumbfounding his enemies. His ancient ancestors transform his current day weaker self into his more powerful ancient self, as a means of correcting the imbalances currently facing the planet. It is likely that, when ancient ancestors reincarnate today, they pull the attention of others also because human life has been almost like a forgotten part of their existence that now draws their attention again
  • Here is a very beautiful artistic production depicting a calling upon ancestors to unlock and bestow powers within our DNA.  My layperson interpretation is that the protagonist, a (spiritual) descendent called upon her ancestors. She made her intentions very clear by even writing them down to bring them into the physical. She intended to consciously "carry her ancestors with every step and decision she makes". With that, her consciousness entered into the spiritual realm, perhaps through sleep, deep meditation, trance or the like. While in the spiritual realm, she met ancestors who performed rituals to honor her intentions. When she returned to the physical realm in a conscious state, she sees how her work in the spiritual realm can manifest into physical reality, as depicted by what seems to be a trifoliate cross (of Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity that online sources suggest alludes to the cross as the Tree of Life as well as to the divine aureole of Christ borne on the wings of the Four Beasts). The fact that each of the 3 projections of the cross has its own 3 additional projections suggests to me that the magic of the trinity is magnified in the trifoliate cross. The eldest of her ancestors to represent her 'ancient' ancestors had given her that cross while she was in the spiritual realm. However, it is now with her physically. While in the spiritual realm, she was given special insight (as symbolized by the glasses she wore in order to see, receive and appreciate what the gift was). The ancestor explained that the cross was "magic". Once she got that gift, a scene that had been previously shown repeats. However, instead of her running in the upside-down state, depicting a state of confusion, the scene is upright because she now runs with the internal presence of her ancestors and the birthright magick they have returned to her. Another before - after contrast is her clothing. Before meeting her ancestors, the scene is monochromatic. Consequently, the white clothing she wore that featured vertical stripes resemble black prison bars. However, since awakening with the presence of her ancestors, she appears in yellow clothing. This is noteworthy because yellow is the constant color of Yoruba goddess Oshun's clothing. Oshun symbolizes feminine power. Coincidentally, yellow is also the color of the solar plexus chakra which is an energetic center of personal power. The surroundings in the physical and spiritual realms are precisely the same, except that, when in the spiritual realm, she can see and interact with her ancestors who have always been around her. For instance, at the start, she seems alone as she lies down in a bedroom. However, when she awakens within the spiritual realm, the ancestors seem to have always been standing around her in that same room. They stand around her as if on guard and always ready to give support. They are so benevolent that they have laid flowers around her body, even though she cannot see any of this in the physical realm. Her magic is felt energetically by the rest of the natural world as depicted by the momentary startling of birds and deer when her power gets re-beamed onto earth. The yellow light that hovers around the levitating body of her spirit body symbolizes her empowerment. Perhaps she still needs to work on her activation because her clothing is the same, albeit with color that makes the vertical lines look blue, and therefore less insurmountable. However, the scene turns from grayscale to color once she stretches upon awakening and realizes that the cross has manifested physically. Interestingly enough, the film is 4:44 long, an angel number that reminds you that the spirit realm has your back. The video carries so much symbolism, much of which I sadly do not understand. However, here are some other symbols. When the ancestors hold the already-plaited hair of their descendant, they were alluding to how African hair connects African people to the other realm and their ancestors. Perhaps it is a reminder of this and a call to continue plaiting traditions (not only for special events). Maybe the fact that there are 4 ancestors coincide with possible correspondence with Four beasts on whose wings Christ was carried. The ritual of jumping over a flame is to cleanse the spirit of an old period in preparation for the new period (usually year). Skull symbolism is also very strong as the descendant walks through the house. Perhaps the deer is symbolic. It was dead in the spiritual realm, its eyes becoming the focus as she spoke of an inability to see light while falling through darkness but alive when she returned has some significance.         Video by Witch Project "Witch Prophet - DNA Activation (Short Film) | Polaris Prize 2020"
  • What examples do you have? Maybe Joan of Arc was an example.  

Who are ancestors? ... or which ancestors are you calling?
Much like the physical world in which we can not reasonably expect any single person to be capable of meeting all of our needs, so too is the spiritual world. I will therefore discuss the different types of ancestors so that you can figure which you need.

Ancestors may be passed blood relatives (recent or from more ancient times), adoptive family and or significant role models who have followed a path which you now choose to emulate. Common mainstream examples of the latter include figures like Buddha, Haile Selassie, shamans, Christs and so on. High level work on the planet often attracts and gets the attention of ancient ancestors, ie ancestors with more psychic power and wisdom, untainted by modern life adulterations. These powers often involved agreements with the living planet that allowed our ancestors to have close collaborative relationships with the plant and animal kingdoms. This is why they often knew healing herbs and so on.

'Ancestors' very often refer our spiritual ancestors. For clarity, these ancestors are not necessarily blood relatives but those ancestors who are part of the same spiritual covenant. Consider the saying that "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". While referenced 'blood' sacrifice may be literal, it can also refer to any type of pain or sacrifice a devotee to their covenant endures while honoring that covenant. In fact, devotees even give up their blood relative family if that is what it takes to honor the convent. 

I sometimes think of spiritual ancestors as my 'covenant brothers' with whom I share a covenant bloodline. Even if they were born and lived on a different covenant, their actions in history spoke loudly. I know they had made an agreement with God / the spirit world, ie the same agreement to which his descendants (like me) is bound. When I look at developments in the news with a new generation of youths I have never met shout their allegiance through their actions, I see that they are my 'covenant offspring'.

To be clear however, this reverence for the ancestors is not worship. It is meant to be a relationship, much like one has with blood relatives. In our physical relationships, we do not worship blood relatives or friends when we throw them parties, give toasts in their honor at elaborate ceremonies like weddings or speak with a bowed head on the altar of their funeral. Anyone who has watched shows that feature modern day mediums (like Long Island Medium, Tyler Henry and so on) knows that real spiritual communication and relationship occur.

When entering into a new environment, you may address its ancestors. This is much like the respectful act of requesting entry from a doorman. If he lets you in, you are more likely to have a safe and peaceful stay.

Your ancestors of interest may even include those before you who have passed on their negative karmic debt, aka ancestral debt. As in the physical world (like when your parent dies before paying off for an item they bought), passed on debts refer to unresolved issues that you inherit because of your association with the ancestor(s). Debts may show up as family cycles of certain kinds of (social) traumatic situation or particular physical or mental diseases. For instance, there is a statistically significantly higher incidence of diabetes among oppressed people of color, a fact that also correlates with physiological forms of suffering involving increased stress hormones and significant spikes in blood sugar levels (Dr Dawn Elise, aka on YouTube as Doc Snipesher video on C-PTSD). Part of your mission may involve breaking generational curses and clearing those cycles from your lineage. For this reason, like a loving family member, you may call upon those ancestors to clear their ancestral debts. (Needless to say, hopefully, the same may be done by those whose families have caused the trauma.) See more about ancestral debts (below)

Getting back to my discussion on calling on the appropriate ancestor, you will want to call upon ancestors with ancestral debt to help to clear their debt before meetings of groups, like family or other group members. These might include shamans that have unfinished business because they were killed off but you will finish their work or restore their glory. Ancients who conquered illness or other problems that you face may be the ones to call upon and so on. 

Not All Ancestors Are Worthy !!!
Before calling upon any ancestor, find out as much as you can about them. 

This is particularly important because not all ancestors are good and worthy, just as living family members are not all good. For instance, your uncle Paul who molested children will not be suitable in your home with your little children. This is because the energy of someone in life is transferred into their death. 

BTW, if you have conjured negative ancestors, banish them just as you might negative relatives or people who are psychic vampires and against whom you wish to cut the psychic cords (See how to perform this ceremony) and even use a banishing prayer (See a commonly used banishing prayer).

How to Choose & Summon Ancestors
Know what you want from the relationship with the ancestors. After all, this is likely ... or should be how you approach new relationships in your life. You approach the baker for bread, not a mechanic.

In other words, be clear in your mind about who and why you wish to invite ancestors. Then be highly specific when inviting ancestors into your life. Here is an example of steps to take when inviting ancestors into your life. 
  • Do not embark on this process with fear.
  • Make a ceremony of this invitation. Be in a quiet space. Visualize white protective light around you.
  • Explain your goals. 
  • State that you want only those willing and able to support you to meet those goals to come through. 
  • State your conditions. For instance, you may demand that they come through only if they come in the spirit of love and healing.

How to Commune with Ancestors
  • Do not embark on this process with fear.
  • Set up an altar. Thoughtfully personalize the space to you and your ancestors. Here are some examples.
    • If you like incense, include that element.
    • Include elements of their heritage.
    • If the ancestors like blue, place gifts in a blue plate that no one else uses
  • Awaken the ancestors by pouring libations. Do so as a loving child would to a sleeping parent; gently. libation is the ritual and sacrificial pouring of usually liquid, commonly alcoholic beverages in memory of the dead
    • An additional tradition is to use noise makers like
      • shak shaks (which are very typical in African spiritual practices)
      • maracas
      • bells
  • When time allows, build the relationship by connecting with your ancestors from time to time, just as you would a loved one in the living world.
    • As with any guest, thank the ancestors for coming
    • Have regular, heartfelt conversations. Do not go through the motions.
    • Play music that your ancestors liked or was part of their heritage. Cook traditional foods, while listening to the music of your ancestors' heritage.  
    • There is no need for fancy speeches. You are among family!
    • Be a loving relative; connect purely for the sake of doing so and not only to ask for something.
    • They are your elders. Seek their help and guidance. Your ancestors may be the solution for when you are unsure of who you can discuss certain problems. Allow your ancestors to act as a shoulder on which to rest and release burdens.
  • Carry gifts. Do not meet your ancestors empty handed. Here are some gift ideas. However, be guided by what they like, even if it is to speak to them in their language or play music they like.
    • Libations with wine, water or other liquid
    • Offer items the ancestors enjoyed in life. In other words, you would not want to offer meat to people who were vegan. Fruits are a common example, especially those that will not rot or create problems if left out on your altar like uncut apples. (Food is for the ancestors and not for your consumption afterwards. You can offer the foods to the garden, especially if they can be easily composted).
    • Gifts may be used to commemorate special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries.
    • You may offer your talent like music, poetry and so on.
    • Your summons, as for 
      • the completion or at least furthering towards completion of missions that, for some reason or other, they were unable to complete. 
      • "I declare and decree that all warrior ancestors of righteousness, justice & divinity are now awakened from sleep and that they rise to bring justice and righteous judgment upon the heads of our enemies yesterday, today and tomorrow, in spirit and in flesh, across all timelines, realms and dimensions, known & unknown." by Chhavi Zaine Tarot Investigator. This is a message for those ancestors who really knew who they were. They tended to be shamans, healers, seers, spiritual warriors, teachers and the like.
      • breaking generational curses against your ancestors. Here is a declaration by YouTuber Chhavi Zaine Tarot Investigator. Chhavi explains to write the following onto paper and then burn it with fire (a transformative energy).

I declare and decree

that all generational curses

over myself, my ancestors, my offspring, the parent of my offspring

are now destroyed in spirit and in flesh

Thank God and your spiritual team for helping you to destroy the energy of the generational curse and restoring the rightful inheritance of gifts, talents and so on. Then write a personalized version of the following onto the holder of or directly onto a white candle with permanent marker. Allow the candle to burn through. 

I reclaim 

__my inheritance, birthright and sovereignty__

on behalf of myself and my lineage

in spirit and in flesh


YouTuber clip by Chhavi Zain Tarot Investigator 'Chosen: your enemy has driven themselves into insanity doing spellwork against you.' (Clip above: @21:45 to 23:00 only)

  • Visit daily if you can, even if you can not make a full ceremony of the encounter. Consider how, when life is hectic, you might only have a chance to rush in to the home of a loved one only to say 'hi' and 'bye' with a kiss. Keep the relationship with your ancestors alive in the same way. It counts.  

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What to expect?
  • After you have begun to invite ancestors into your life, they may appear to you. A common way in which this happens is in your dreams.


Yeyefini Efunbolade's YouTube video 'Demystifing the ancestors'

YouTuber HomeTeam History video 'The African queen who stood against Rome'. This is a story of the Queen Amanirenas.

YouTuber HomeTeam History video 'The Greatest African queen the world forgot'. This is a story of the Queen Amanirenas.

YouTuber Nourishment 101 video 'Ancestral debt explained' (video immediately above)

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