
Bipolar Mood Disorder types 1 & 2

According to the
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)Bipolar disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a chronic mood (NOT personality) disorder that causes unusual / abnormal shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. 

The Bipolar disorder occurs when you exhibit BOTH extremes of high and low energy states at levels that are FARTHER FROM YOUR BASELINE THAN USUAL. These diametric states are called mania and depression respectively. The sufferer experiences cycles between these extremes, with varying degrees, speed and duration. Consequently, the condition is called 'bipolar' or 'manic depression' disorder.

The Extreme Mood States of Bipolar Disorder
1. Depression (type 1) / Major Depression (type 2). This form of depression is characterized by decreased energy, prolonged sadness, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, inexplicable tearfulness, hopelessness, sense of worthlessness, decreased sleep, social detachment, suicidal thoughts, thoughts of death and so on. To be clear, this depression is more intense than usual. Specifically, rather than just feeling down, sufferers feel immobilized / stuck, worthless, and despairing to the point of suicide

2. Mania (type 1) / Hypomania (type 2) . This form of mania is characterized by increased energy, euphoria, hyperactivity, restlessness, insomnia, impulsiveness, grandiose thinking, anxiety, frenzied activity, racing thoughts, increased goal directed behavior and a decreased need for sleep. To clarify and as you may have appreciated from this list, mania does NOT always take the form of positive feelings. Very common signs include heightened agitation (including psycho agitation), irritability and distractibility. In more extreme cases, patients experience hallucinations, paranoia and delirium ie acute disturbance in mental state that may affect thought and speech. Manic episodes are distinguishable from normal happiness by the fact that intense highs usually precede or follow low lows. However, this manic cheerfulness can easily switch to its negative form of irritability when the person is crossed. Truly happy individuals have more consistent and even feelings. Unlike the case of normal happiness, the intense drive does not settle down. Normally happy people are generally more capable of a full nights sleep. Feelings of grandiosity lead to poor judgement. Furthermore, true happiness is not seasonal whereas bipolar manic episodes occur within an up and down cycle. Manic individuals do not simply feel 'good'. Rather, they feel extraordinarily fantastic and self-confident, limitless and even superhuman.

Bipolar Types 1 vs 2: Contrasting Levels of Highs & Lows
In a nutshell, it can be said that the key difference between bipolar disorders 1 and 2 is that the highs are higher for type 1 while the lows are lower for type 2. Below is more detailed information.

Bipolar Type 1. The highs are high grade and can cause problems because they manifest with tendencies for excessiveness. High grade highs are often characterized by a burst of energy; above baseline cheerfulness and sociability; excessive optimism; overconfidence; impulsive behavior that is often dangerous like dangerous sexual behavior and theft; grandiose thinking and; stimulus-seeking. The highs surpass the baseline in an extreme way. Sufferers may feel like they crash because, after such exhilarating highs, the lows are very low. Generally, the manic episodes are more intense than the depressive states. Persons suffering with bipolar 1 have a likelihood for substance abuse. 

Bipolar Type 2. The highs are low grade and deviate from the baseline only moderately. For this reason, the highs or mania have the prefix 'hypo' in this type of high, called HYPOmania. These highs do not generally cause problems because they do not reach the extremes associated with psychosis. They are nonetheless noticeable by others. For instance, sufferers may become above their baseline regarding wittiness, sharpness of thought; it is obvious that sufferers feel better. However, these highs do not cause negative impacts. Sometimes, the 'highs' are characterized by irritability. The lows are more intense and enduring than the manic dimension of this form of the bipolar disorder.  The depressive episodes are referred to as 'major depression'. In type 2 bipolar disorder, hypomanic episodes last for at least 4 days. Additionally, the depressive episodes occur more frequently and intensely than the hypo-manic episodes. Type 2 patients have less periods of emotional stability (aka euthymia'). Given their greater amount of 'down-time', they are more likely to contemplate and follow through with suicide.
People who suffer with bipolar disorder are often described as having a genius brain because their brains usually operate much faster than usual during their manic extremes. Not surprisingly, famous creative people are believed to have suffered from bipolar disorder. They include Beethoven, Mozart, van Gogh, Britney Spears, Mel Gibson, Robin Williams, the past US presidents Winston Churchill and Abraham Lincoln.

Cyclothymia. When moods deviate from the baseline but are not all that extreme?
Cyclothymia is a condition in which persons experience highs and lows that deviate from their baseline in a way that is not normal for the general population. However, these episodes do not reach the full extreme extent as mania (in type 1) or major depression (in type 2) as per the DSM. Sufferers of cyclothymia are better off considering their condition a warning sign because, if left untreated, cyclothymia can develop into bipolar disorder. This fact is a stark reminder that, like physical illness, mental health conditions deserve serious attention as they can lead to more serious problems.

Risk Factors

Physiology of Bipolar Disorder
Manic extents of bipolar disorder, especially in the 'genius brain' type expends essential nutrients like lithium to function more quickly than for the average population. Lowering the levels of these essential nutrients pushes a sufferer towards the depressive state of the bipolar disorder.

As this kind of depletion occurs, several things happen to the body. For instance, digestion slows down; the fall in levels of serotonin and dopamine, ie neurotransmitters or substances positively related to good mood and balance between the bipolar extremes; heavy metals and inflammation accumulate more readily in the brain as seen with autistic and Asperger's sufferers.

Signs of an Imminent Manic Episode
Agitation. Increased activity which can include non-physical activity like increased sex drive and an abundance of thoughts. For instance, if you are a writer and write a lot in your mind (some of which you may later find below par).

Treatment of bipolar mood disorder 
Treatment is critical simply because it may be very disabling, particularly type 2. For instance, bipolar disorder sufferers may lose as much as 14 years of effective functionality, 12 years of normal health and of living years for the 19% that succeed in their suicide attempts.

Epidemiology & Cause(s) of Bipolar Mood Disorder
Bipolar disorder occurs within roughly 1% of the population. Unlike bipolar 1, bipolar 2 does not influence the sexes equally. Specifically, females are more likely to experience bipolar 2 mood disorder. The condition could manifest from as early as adolescence and young adulthood. However, it has been recognized in much younger children who were misdiagnosed as having ADHD. Roughly 25% to 50% attempt suicide. Men are more likely to be successful at suicide attempts.

Bipolar disorder may be inherited. However, it may develop after mental and physical trauma

The condition is a MOOD NOT PERSONALITY DISORDER. However, it may appear that way to the uninformed. Furthermore, depressive lows, especially major depressive lows usually seem too dark for many friends or other people in the life of a sufferer to deal with. Either way, the moods on either extreme seem too intense for the liking of many people in the general population. From the perspective of the general population, the intense lows transform sufferers into energetic vampires when sufferers wish to express their feelings. Consequently, relationships are often tested. People may generally stigmatize and isolate you, even if they know and are educated about your diagnosis. Strangers become fearful that you may engage in extreme behaviors witnessed in those sufferers whose actions become the news.

Its cause is unclear. However, convergent type 1 research findings in France and the US suggests a link to heredity and an even greater risk if you suffered early childhood trauma, especially regarding emotional abuse within the first 5 years of life. Other research findings also find similar significant relationships for not only type 1 but also type 2 with childhood trauma. One interesting difference was that type 1 showed strong relationship with sexual abuse while type 2 showed a strong relationship with emotional neglect. A noteworthy fact that reiterates the importance of treatment is that emotional abuse was related to a lifetime of suicide attempts.

Treatments, Side Effects of Western Medicines and Natural Treatment
Lithium based treatments have been practiced since the time of the Native Americans. main stream has begun to emulate this practice with lithium carbonate. It is advisable to undertake cognitive, behavioral or group therapy. In extreme cases, the controversial electric convulsive therapy is also used. However, there are numerous side effects for these modern treatments. For instance, although the electric treatment withdrew her from depression, a woman lost the bond with her child and had trouble remembering her child's name, memory loss of significant life events and felt unfamiliar with her past she did remember. Several others using lithium drugs reported getting the shakes with minor motor movements, increased urination and hypothyroidism that had other consequent health problems.

There are several (natural) treatments for bipolar disorder. The effective way is to combine elements that tackle the mind, body and spirit.
  • Reports suggest these methods can be used routinely without adverse side effects.
    • Sources of natural lithium OROTATE NOT lithium carbonate to promote your natural production of serotonin and, in turn, dopamine and to appropriately nourish the brain, especially the genius brain. Lithium orotate doses can be effective at doses as little as 25 mg daily without being toxic. Lithium carbonate requires larger toxic doses to be effective. In fact, lithium orotate is a natural alternative to lithium carbonate and has several positive side effects like treatment for conditions like PTSD, regular depression, ADHD and even protection against degenerative diseases like Alzheimers disease. Be careful of other foods and activities that affect renal activity, especially if your kidney health is somehow already compromised.
    • Sources of active B vitamin brain food like Phosphatidylserine or "Ptd-L-Ser" or "PS"  and Phosphatidylcholine or "PC" include egg yokes and soybeans.
    • Sources of mannos to remove inflammation and promote the production of the chelation agent glutathione. A key source is aloe vera. If you can not Access as much as a leaf of aloe vera daily, try mannos capsules. Roughly roughly 150mg or more mannos is likely to be effective.
    • Sources of omega 3 fatty acids may also be effective in treatment.
    • Reduce sugar in your diet
  • Digestive aids such as enzymes and easy-to-digest foods. Consider easy-to-digest protein shakes.
  • Chelation.
    • Sources of chelation agents include Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. After having researched several brands of diatomaceous earth. This brand is the safest regards human consumption and packaging.
    • Sources of glutathione that help with the detoxification of heavy metals.
  • A daily routine. Maintaining a routine has been shown to improve the condition for both types of bipolar disorder. 
  • Food Considerations When Suffering from Bipolarity
    • Consider your blood sugar levels. High and low blood sugar levels have been correlated with manic and depressive episodes, respectively. For instance, if you need to reduce blood glucose levels, eat high fiber foods (rather than white bread which not only converts to sugar  but also lacks fiber and nutrients that the brain needs to maintain good brain health like vitamin B, calcium and magnesium). Some high fiber foods include oats, barley, whole grain cereals, whole-grain breads, vegetables, brown rice, nuts, peas, lentils and nuts. 
    • Minimize or avoid caffeine. In fact, caffeine allergies occur among some persons with bipolar disorder.
    • Recent research suggests that consuming cabbage, especially the red types, can prevent Alzheimer’s disease. The abundance of Vitamin K in cabbage is responsible for this.
  • Education and lifestyle changes. See some examples below of type 2 bipolar disorder triggers.

Triggers for Type 2 Bipolar Disorder 
  1. Sleep deprivation is the strongest and most common trigger for depressive episodes in bipolar 2, especially among women. Ways of counteracting these bipolar triggers.
    1. Stick to a regular sleep pattern. For instance, avoid going out and staying up late to see movies. Work extra hard to counteract unavoidable disturbances to this pattern like jetlag. Even relatively small time differences of 2 to 3 hours can suffice to trigger some individuals.
  2. Negative life events. The range of events is broad. They may range from any form of stress, including the types associated with PTSD. Additionally, I have found that these events include those that mimic experiences associated with childhood abuse like defenselessness, not only for oneself but even through observation of the experiences of others. Ways of counteracting these bipolar triggers.
    1. Whenever possible, have a support system as a major help. However, the dim reality is that many people with bipolar disorder lack truly SAFE and quality support in the form of family, friends and professionals that are well informed and or care enough to learn how to provide support. Consequently, online group supports like the C-PTSD Foundation has helped numerous people worldwide, even with their free resources like YouTube live broadcasts and private Facebook groups.
    2. Education as a first step to self care feels quite healing because it is a step towards better self understanding and healing. Examples of great digestible resources include subscriptions to informative YouTube channels, my favorite of which is Polar Warriors.
    3. On a daily basis, devote time to activities that destress you. Examples include meditation, walking, grounding activities, libations and the like.
    4. Exercise, especially cardio. Although exercise fits into the previous point, it arguably deserves special mention because it appears to have a significantly positive effect in regulating mood for people with bipolarity. For instance, a patient said that when she was unable to do her usual run for a week, her up-down cycling 'suddenly' occurred for the first time in 2 years.
    5. Plan simple, UNCLUTTERED days. Do not try to engage more people, especially involving complex situations without enough time to process and recharge before moving to the next situation. Similarly, never try to bite off more than you can chew regarding tasks. 
    6. Emotional preparedness. This involves preparing in whatever way possible for upcoming stressors of which you are aware.
    7. Whenever possible, go no-contact or distance yourself from toxic people.
  3. Alcohol and drugs, even occasional social use, can interfere with the delicate neurochemical balance and may interfere with the efficacy of psychotropic medications. They can enhance current experiences and push them into an extreme state.
    1. Avoid alcohol at all costs. Given the strong correlation between bipolarity and alcoholism, it appears too risky to use alcohol as addiction may be easier than otherwise. 
  4. Seasonal differences can often but not necessarily trigger highs in Spring and Summer seasons and the converse for Autumn and Winter. However, I am unsure whether people in tropical environments are sensitive to tropical seasonal changes, which do not have such a drastic effect on light as in the case of temperate climates.
  5. The reproductive cycle. Even hormonal changes caused by menstrual cycle triggers depressive episodes.
  6. Goal attainments often trigger highs.

  • Internal links:
  • Since brain health physically supports the mind in this physical life, incorporate brain foods when possible.
    • (Fermented) lentils are considered as 'brain food' and can also be added to sauerkraut, especially with brain health herbs likes parsley and cilantro.
  • Clinical depression
Challenges with mental health and fatigue from masking neurodivergence are clues that helps in recognizing neurodivergence, especially for boomers and generation Xers. 

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