DNA activation

Human DNA is the template (or blueprint) for our design. Still unable to figure its function, scientists have labelled roughly 97% of human DNA as "junk". However, recent thinking has shifted to recognize that this majority part of our DNA seems linked to the spiritual aspects of ourselves; like the chakras and other bodies (which is why conventional science missed its functionality).

Conventional scientists have already observed that DNA can be activated and de-activated to produce significant physical changes. (See third party article about this). Similarly, activating spiritual DNA can lead to similarly transformative outcomes. 

Benefits of activating spiritual DNA

  • heightened intuition
  • transcension of physical limitations

Background knowledge of epigenetics can help in explaining this. Epigenetics refers to how DNA interacts with small molecules within your cells, an interaction that can even turn on and off genes. While one's genetic sequence from birth does not change, environmental factors called 'marks' can be like computer program add-ons that change the expression of genes anyway. Common marks include diet, chemical exposure (including medication, environmental pollution, etc) and life experiences (including social experiences, psychological trauma, stress, nurture and so on). In other words, your life style habits can turn on and off genes (because of the existence and concentration of molecules that occur as a result). If you have a genetic predisposition for a specific disease but consistently expose yourself to good epigenetic marks (like diet), you can suppress the potential of that disease. Similarly, if your genetic makeup protects you from a disease but you consistently expose yourself to a bad epigenetic mark (like chemical pollutant), you can increase the chance of getting the disease. This is why genetically identical twins can have very different levels of health, age differently and so on. 

A fascinating fact is that, when epigenetic changes occur, they can last because cells continue to divide with the new information. In other words, the changes can be lasting, which is why drastically different state of health can occur in twins, where one could develop major chronic disease while the other does not.

Just as you can inherit physical curses or blessings from relatives, apparently, so too can you do with psychological blessings and curses. While most epigenetics marks are erased at conception, some may survive not only a person's but even to the next generation. Major trauma caused through slavery, neocolonialism and so on to entire groups of people can impact off spring. Since there is a psychosomatic link to some diseases like type 2 diabetes, it is not surprising that black and Latino Americans experience a far higher incidence of the disease, not only through slavery in the case of black people, but the fact that oppressive patterns remain and were likely epigenetically passed on to the next generations of slave masters. 

How to turn on DNA
  • During meditation, visualize the rebuilding of your DNA. Many parts of the DNA have been silenced by forces, known and unknown, even though those silenced parts have the potential to serve you in your quest for self-actualization and helping the planet. For instance, there may be (harmful 'epigenetic marks' like) trauma-based generational curses (like ongoing systemic oppression caused by white supremacy, etc) that stifle those strands of your DNA from inheriting your full destiny (like fulfilling your natural gifts). I do not know enough about the structure of DNA strands* to guide you on an accurate visualization of what is added and where. So, visualize what resonates with you. For instance, I have seen a space that is mostly dark and silent but in which lights settle in some places, as if silently doing their reparative work, I could not explain why I see the DNA that way (ie without helices), the positioning of the light or the science of what they do. 
  • The physical DNA seems to the non-physical spirit world what the physical brain is to non-physical consciousness, aka the 'mind'. In other words, it is as if it has some type of telephone connection relaying epigenetic marks back and forth across the physical and non-physical dimensions of your soul. For this reason, acknowledge and pray for the repairs to occur across all dimensions (known and unknown and in spirit and in flesh).
  • You might also find it useful to also see how applying the hermetic principle of mentalism can maximize this process, (blockage-removing) spiritual burning banishment rituals, ancestral gifts through you and manifestation tools like the flutter breath of fire can amplify your objectives. Do this daily. As mentioned in the section on the hermetic principle of vibration, daily practice is a 'forced' vibration that pushes this intention out into the universe. 

YouTube video by DoBetterForYourself Coach 'DNA activation: how I activate my DNA and increase my light (tips)'. Seeing the reactivation of her DNA as self-empowerment, this coach focuses on the solar plexus chakra. Specifically, she enjoys to do this while walking in sunshine and feeling the sunlight entering through her crown chakra. To her, just as dawning sunlight awakens many earthly beings, so too can the sunlight awaken her dormant DNA.

As accessories to this process, consider the following. 
  • DNA music repair. Binaural beats of some musical frequencies like 528 Hz, ie one of the Solfeggio frequencies have been found to improve brain function and possibly cellular health. Other findings include a greater absorption of light waves.
  • Include DNA- protective or reparative foods like the following. See discussion on nutrigenomics:
    • Co-enzyme Q-10 protects against DNA damage
    • Kiwi fruit. Research suggests that 1 daily is protective. 3 daily may be reparative for pre-existing DNA damage. Dr Willian Li discusses kiwi
    • Strawberry, fresh lemon, apple, broccoli and celery have also been shown to have a protective effect on DNA
    • Ginger has a protective effect of DNA (by preventing the DNA damage that usually ensues from stress).
    • Dark chcocolate. Antioxidants found in dark chocolate like flavanoids and other polyphenols have been found to support DNA repair.



* Scientists understand the double helix DNA structure. While a helice looks like a single spiraling strand of hair, the double helix connects 2 of these strands. This is the imagery to which we have grown used when thinking about what the DNA looks like. However, there are far many more (than those 2) helices that comprise our DNA.

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