Spirit communication - angel numbers

Angel numbers are sequences of repeating numbers, often in sets of three or four (like 111 or 1111). They appear in an unplanned way like the license plate of a car that lets you go ahead of them, a bill and so on.

They are a type of 'synchronicity' which essentially means a meaningful coincidence that holds messages from the universe. If you see the same number repeatedly, that energy is really trying to get your attention.

When you see angel numbers, reflect on your thoughts or things happening around you to understand the context of the message. 

For instance, if your phone falls and illuminates at 11:11, which coincidentally occurred while you were thinking about a new project, the universe is cheering you on to proceed with that project. The same applies with relationships (whether romantic, work or otherwise) and other aspects of life.

One way to help in remembering the meanings is to see the pattern. The numbers involve repetition of numbers ranging 1 to 9. 1 signifies beginnings while 9 endings of cycles. However, right in the middle, 5 signifies change, like a turning point. I also notice that the meaning of 6 seems like a magnification of 3, just like 4 is of 2.

[Although there are some similarities in meanings, angel numbers are not rooted in numerology.]


. references the universe's generosity, all encompassing power and limitless power

. CTA to tap into source's abundant energy because it is truly available to you. ... or tap into the abundance available within your current situation. Since you have access to the universe's abundance, it is telling you to remember your limitless potential by extension.

. CTA to manage your thoughts, actions and emotions wisely because they can send out intentions to the universe powerfully. This may involve writing our intentions and or having good control over your mind.

. If this number appears among other numbers like 4404, the 0 is amplifying the energy of the 4.


. references new beginnings, new opportunities.

. CTA to be open to trying something new, adopting a new way of doing something, seeing yourself transform in some way.


. References seeking working with patience and diligence towards a goal, slowly but surely.

. CTA to be patient, to keep working on your goal. If you are doing a big project, this is reminding you to keep on going in a sense that you have many steps ahead. It seems like would appear at an earlier phase in your project for which 444 would come later when you are nearer to the end.

. CTA to know that you are on the right path. Just keep on moving forward.


. References joyfulness.

. CTA to seek balance. You are neglecting some aspect of your life and should therefore identify and address the neglected aspects. Without this, your whole life may have unnecessary suffering. If your life is not suffering, yet another opportunity for joy will present itself.


. References a solid foundational structure, much like what is built by have a 4 legged stool. 

. CTA to know that the universe is telling you 'we have your back', let us be a bigger part of your life. By extension, this is therefore also a CTA to request what you need.

. CTA to work on building or strengthening the foundation for the thing you desire.

. CTA to know that the universe is happy with your work.


. References change, whether external (like home base, relationships, etc) or internal (like knowledge, growth, etc).

. CTA to take quick decisive action to seize the moment.


. References balance.

. CTA to examine where you might have some type of excess that must be balanced out. For instance, if you are over worrying or over working, this message prompts you to focus more on yourself and your needs (but in a healthy way to create balance. You will therefore need to seek pleasure through fun activities, material things, beautify yourself and home, enjoy relationships and so on. However, since this is ultimately a call to seek balance, avoid addictive behaviors, whether this involves mind-altering substances, food or digital devices.

. CTA to savor a good, balanced experience with mindfulness.


. References focus on spiritual development and having some type of spiritual awakening. This is either acknowledgement or this or your need for that.

. CTA to release fears. You are being called to proceed without always knowing who or what to trust. Trust in the universe. You do not need to earn or even ask for this support, it will be delivered.

. CTA to see an experience (good or bad) from a spiritual perspective. That experience can be useful to spiritual growth and healing.


. References potential abundance associated with your current thought, counterparty, activity, etc. The abundance may relate to abundant power, love, time, finances and so on. 

. CTA to reflect on how far you have come as the universe is congratulating you; to spread it around. The abundance will boomerang back to you.

. CTA to remember that abundance is always available to you. However, you need to take measures to become a vibrational match to receive it. To this end, meditate on what in your life needs development. Write down your intentions and those things that block you. State them aloud (example on the next new moon, in burn and release rituals, etc).


. References the impending end of one cycle to usher in the next. By extension, this refers to some type of transformation in your life.

. CTA to figure out what the new cycle brings and, consequently, what in the old cycle must be released to make space for its replacement. Release things that do not live up to your worthiness.

CTA to keep working on your project, even if you feel like giving up. The end is imminent.

YouTube video by My World of Metaphysics 'Angel numbers | angel signs | synchronicity trye meaning revealed 2023'


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