Spirit communication - tarot - court cards in the minor arcana

Earlier, I discussed the suits and minor arcana. In this post, I will discuss the court cards. In descending order of mastery, they are the king, queen, knight and page.

Who or what do court cards represent

Court cards usually represent a real person (which can include you) with a significant role in your life within the context of the current topic. Even if this role is not immediately apparent, they have the potential to fit within it if given the right circumstances. If you can not pair a court card with someone in your life or with yourself, interpret the card as a call to action (CTA) that you need to assume the role or somehow hear the message.

Sex of real people or cards is irrelevant. In other words, real-life men and women can be represented by cards of any sex. For instance, a man in your real life can be represented by a queen card. Similarly, species is also irrelevant. In other words, even pets may play a role.

Each card representation of real people is situational and therefore somewhat fluid. For instance, John Smith may be a king (ie a master) in one aspect of your life but a page (ie a complete novice) in another aspect of your life. 

Lessons & needs

Remember that court cards are real people. Consequently, perform readings with the following in mind; their situation and their needs.


This refers to youthful, receptive learners. They are inexperienced with the situation at hand. A page of a suit means that he needs to learn something from that suit. His knowledge and experience are the least matured of the court cards.

They want to study and learn how to handle the suit in question. When you respond to them in your real life, they need you as a counter party to give them support and guidance.

Although the page is youthful, this card can refer to anyone of any age who is now embarking on learning something about the suit. Example(s).

  • Page of cups needs to learn something about building healthy relationships.
  • Page of pentacles needs to learn about building and care for resources
  • Page of swords needs to learn about thinking and communicating effectively.
  • Page of wands needs to learn about trust and use his own power.


Knights relate to change, challenges and transformation. When you see these cards, the knight may already be in the midst of his quest / hero's mission (ie versus being an entire novice like the page). Knights are passionate and action-oriented. They proceed with single-minded focus. However, his journey throws obstacles and tests along his path. These obstacles should be seen as opportunities for his personal growth and self-transformation. 

    They give you passion and action towards what you and or they are focused on. (They are more action oriented than their younger page selves. Rather than just study, they are more action-oriented.) When you respond to them in your real life, they need you as a counter party to direct them and give them goals.

    • Knight of cups strives for love.
    • Knight of pentacles strives for financial or career success. 
    • Knight of swords strives for quick action and change.
    • Knight of wands strives for creative adventure.


    Queens are receptive, compassionate and intuitive. They work behind the scenes. I think this is like the subconscious mind. Like kings, they are equal masters of their suit. However, they differ from kings in terms of how they operate.

    They want to connect with you, share wisdom and provide mentorship. They are fiercely protective, nurturing and defensive of what they love. When you respond to them in your real life, they need you as a counter party to be loyal, discrete and authentic.

    • Queen of cups is a wise protector of kindness.
    • Queen of pentacles is a wise protector of resources, the physical body and nature / physical environment.
    • Queen of swords is a wise protector of justice
    • Queen of wands is a wise protector of passions and goals


    Kings are masters of their suits. They have already proven themselves through life trials. They make final, decisive decisions and delegate everything other than their own responsibility. They will directly impact the outcome of your situation.

    They give you solutions. When you respond to them in real life, they need you as a counter party to .

    • King of Cups references mastery of relationships and connections. This person is likely the master of emotional intelligence.
    • King of pentacles references mastery of material success.
    • King of swords references mastery of rational decision-making
    • King of wands references mastery of creativity and power.

    King of cups. The king sits at his thrown which floats on water. He is secure in his power and is NOT ruthless and harsh like other rulers. He listens to others around him because he controls his kingdom through dialogue. He is the master of emotions. He is kind but firm. He supports the soft, left brain issues like the arts, music, nature, family, home activities and love. He is a calm influence during emotional trouble. Given the right circumstances, he can be a committed partner. He is only interested in long-term committed relationships (absolutely not fleeting shallow relationships). This card is a CTA to become the king if you do currently not have such a person in your life. By becoming the king, you can better attract the king.


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