
Banishing Prayer: Abbe Male Spiritus

Banishing Prayer: Abbe Male Spiritus

Below is a sacred banishing prayer, Abbe male spiritus. Banishment usually serves one or more of the following purposes.
  • To clear your mind in preparation for other rituals, which may also include creating safe circles
  • To convert a space into a sacred ritual space. For instance, most people must convert general everyday areas (a kitchen, living room and so on) for rituals. This also includes needing to clear the space of unwanted energies.
  • To clear a space of negative energies after heated arguments, crime, painful experiences and so on 

Engage yourself completely when saying this banishing prayer. Say the words with force and intention. Saying this pray means that you are unapologetic in assuming the authority of the trinity and, speaking on its behalf, you give firm directives to negativity to leave. So it's like, 'get out! Now!' and not 'pretty please, do you mind letting something else squeeze through?'

This banishing prayer is delivered in Latin. However, for your understanding, the English translation is in the right column. If unsure of the Latin pronunciation, use a voice generator like Google translate to read the text aloud.

In nomini Padre
et Fili
et Spiritus Sancti

Abbe Male Spiritus
Abbe Male Spiritus
Abbe Male Spiritus

In nomini Padre
et Fili
et Spiritus Sancti

In Nomini Jesu Christi


In the name of the father
and the son
and the Holy Spirit

be gone negativity
be gone negativity
be gone negativity

In the name of the father
and the son
and the Holy Spirit

In the name of Jesus the Christ

So Be It


Interpretations of the trinity

The several interpretations of the father, son and holy spirit include the following. The trinity deals with 3 different manifestations of the same being. You may even see it as exemplifying the 2nd hermetic principle of correspondence that has 3 different corresponding manifestations.

In every day terms, it is much like how someone answering the phone for the founder, manager or customer service rep from A-Company often says, 'A-Company is on the phone' for any of these 3 individuals. This is because, although different, they call and act on A-Company's behalf.

Mind, Body and Spirit, ie the 3 key aspects of ourselves in this life. In the context of this prayer, you commit your mind, body and spirit with the intention of banishment.
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