
Liver and Gall Bladder Flush

A liver and gall bladder flush may allow your body to permanently heal itself from many major illnesses. Since the root problem of numerous diseases relates to poor blood detoxification by the liver, removing gall stones and other toxins from the liver and gall bladder can resolve specific health problems and maintain overall good health.

Needless to say, a liver and gall bladder flush also allows you to painlessly resolve health problems without harmful drugs and or surgically removing the gall bladder (often because it has too many gall stones), The positive results commonly manifest within at least the first 3 rounds. 

Liver, gall bladder and pancreas are very closely connected. Consequently, a holistic approach that considers all of them is ideal. For instance, persons suffering with diabetes often suffer with some type of liver disease. [Image from] Put this article into context, get an introduction to the biliary system.

Among the most common signs and symptoms that have liver dysfunction as a key contributing factor include unexplained vision impairment, itching eyes, liver spots, unusual acne, new skin and or scalp problems (including rashes and forms of inflammation), dull headaches (especially if associated with nausea), a mild feeling of a hangover, heightened intolerance to alcohol, burping bitter matter, digestive issues (like feeling congested, intolerance to fatty foods, abdominal bloating, acid reflux, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome / IBS), heightened irritability, autoimmune diseases, Chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, recurrent parasite infestations, blood sugar problems, sugar cravings. hormonal imbalances (as in the case of many women with liver spots). Furthermore, you may be predisposed to liver congestion and other problems if you have a history of using pharmaceutical drugs, pesticides, non-natural personal care products, strong cleaning chemicals, lots of hydrogenated food fats and the sugar-popular free sweetener called aspartame.

This post describes how one may do this flush.

To do this liver cleanse / liver and gall bladder flush, you will need the following
  • Pre-Flush
    • A source of malic acid. Malic acid will soften the gall stones in the liver which will ease the process of removing stones. For this reason, it is considered very useful for developing or maintaining a healthy liver to allow the body to heal itself and in turn protect itself against all types of disease (including diabetes). It is commonly found in fruits with a sour taste like apples (especially unripened apples) and sour tamarinds.
      • At least 32 oz of organic apple juice, apple cider vinegar and or enough apples to provide the equivalent for each of 6 days. Freshly juiced apples are ideal. 
      • malic acid capsules (for diabetics)
    • Enema or colonic. A colonic flushes the colon with higher volumes than most home-based enemas, is highly recommended for persons suffering from constipation or other digestive problems. Having at least an enema is highly recommended to avoid trapping gall stones in the colon which can re-toxify the body. Do not become complacent even if you have regular bowel movements because they do not necessarily indicate a completely unobstructed colon. Also consider ingredients that help to flush out parasites, especially if you are particularly concerned about parasites.
      • Coffee enemas are useful for detoxifying the liver. For instance, coffee opens the bile ducts and helps the liver to release toxins. 
      • Green tea enemas (However, use green tea in moderation if you have reason to avoid an "excess" in polyphenols as found in green tea supplements. One study suggests that such an "excess" may relate to liver toxicity).
      • Some enemas, like those with garlic or neem, are particularly useful for removing parasites. See the full instructions for doing an enema safely. Herbs like wormwood, regular cloves (from your kitchen cabinet) and black walnut are also very useful for removing parasites. Tackling parasites before this flush is essential if parasites are a particular concern.
    • If you have kidney concerns, a kidney cleanse is advisable. It usually involves herbs that include cat's claw, fennel seed, chicory herb, marshmellow root and so on. Also consider including cranberry juice which are especially beneficial to both the liver and kidneys. Celery juice is also very healthful for the kidneys.
    • Plenty of water
    • Meals that are whole foods, natural, low-fat and easy-to-digest or other useful consumption. Meals should be either heated or at room temperature. Most people do this liver flush after an ease-in period of 6 days. However, if you eat a standard Western diet (with lots of processed foods), consider extending this preparatory period with these whole foods.
      • very liver-friendly*** (and kidney-friendly**) foods like: 
        • apples *** ** (including unripe apples and apple cider vinegar) 
        • tamarinds *** ** (the sour variety)
        • cranberries ***  **
        • Others include beets*** , broccoli*** , cabbage*** , carrots*** , celery*** **, cherries*** , citrus juice**, cumin*** , fenugreek***, garlic*** , kale*** , mangoes, watermelon, tomatoes*** , wheatgrass*** **, turmeric*** , sweet peppers, broccoli. NB bitter herbs and vegetables help promote the liver's bile production (as well as the stomach's digestive acid secretion and pancreatic enzymes). They may be consumed before or during the earlier part of a meal. Among them include bitter melon, broccoli, dandelion greens, kale, okra, Sweedish bitters
      • malic acid capsules (an option for diabetics for whom fruits may not be ideal)
      • bulkier foods (hot oats, barley**, ideally without sugar; soy protein*** **, quinoa; plain brown rice seasoned only with sea or rock salt)
      • leafy greens
      • If you do not get enough protein from foods you eat, you might also produce insufficient L-ornithine (an amino acid that helps the body to remove waste). It is unclear to me. However, adequate vegan food sources of Lornithine might include soybean products like soy milk, shredded wheat, brown rice, pseudograin quinoa and the preparation and consumption methods. 
      • Avoid: animal products, alcohol, processed sugars, wheat, fried food and hard-to-digest foods like nuts. Also avoid food that is cold or chilled. Avoid overeating. Avoid supplements and vitamins and, if possible, medications so as to give the liver as easy a time as possible in its cleansing period.
  • Epsom salts solution (to give roughly 4 servings of roughly 3/4 cup each). Not only do Epsom salts relax and dilate the bile ducts to easily dislodge the stones but they also help to stimulate bowel movement to clear the colon. 
      • 4 tbsp Epsom salts (aka bitter salts or Magnesium Sulfate). Epsom salts help to dilate the bile ducts which in turn makes it easier for the body to release the stones. If you are somehow allergic to Epsom salts, a substitute is Magnesium Citrate at the same dosage.
      • 24 oz filtered water 
  • Flush (of olive oil and citrus juice)
    • Olive oil, extra virgin, cold pressed, 0.5 cup / 4 oz / 110g. Your body produces bile to metabolize oil that you consume. Consequently, this olive oil will prompt a large production of bile that flushes out the gall stones.
    • Citrus juice, freshly squeezed by hand and strained of pulp; grapefruit, ideally pink grapefruit OR a combination of orange and lemon, 6 oz / 0.7 cup / 170 g ie roughly 3/4 cup. That usually equates to about 1 large grapefruit or 2 small ones.
    • Optional. Anti-parasite ingredient.
      • a few cloves of garlic, crushed. Garlic helps to detoxify the liver.
      • drops of walnut tincture
    • A jar with a lid. Since the oil easily separates from the juice, you are likely to need to shake the mixture several times to homogenize the combination as you drink it.
  • Post-flush
    • Enema or colonic (same as above)
  • Time / timing
    • Since estrogen has been linked to constriction of the biliary ducts and gallbladder problems, women may consider doing this flush when their estrogen levels are as low as possible.
    • 6 days pre-flush
    • ideally 2 consecutive stress-free days at home
    • Ideally a new moon date for the flush da te. It is ideal to avoid the phase that is opposite to the new moon, ie the full moon because the body generally retains more liquid during the full moon period.
  • Optional: Natural relaxants like music. Some people find it hard to sleep at night on the night of the liver and gall bladder flush. Suggestions include the following.
    • relaxing music that will either play through the night or turn off automatically
    • A movie that can be programmed to turn off automatically

Steps for cleansing the liver / liver and gall bladder flush
  • PRE Liver & Gall Bladder Flush (for each of 6 days before the flush date)
    • 6 days before the flush date, consume malic acid (discussed above)  throughout the day. For instance, use just before and within the first 2 hours after meals, ie in addition to your usual intake of water (of usually 6-8 glasses of water at room temperature or warmed)
    • Eat whole foods meals as discussed above. 
    • Rinse your mouth out with a baking soda solution or plain water to protect your teeth from damage from the high acidity levels.
    • Get enemas or colonics to clear the colon and remove any congestion in the liver and colon. 
    • Consume lots of malic acid. See the ingredients above. 
      •  a week beforehand (and on the day of the liver cleanse), you can drink roughly 1 liter of organic apple juice daily throughout the day. Apple cider vinegar can also be used.
      • Alternatively, you can eat only apples throughout a day or two beforehand (and on the day of the liver cleanse). 
  • Liver & Gall Bladder Flush Day & Night
    • Unlike the previous 6 days during which you consumed the malic acid over the entire day, consume all of your day's quota of malic acid during the morning.
    • Optional. If you have trouble fasting on only apples and or apple juice, consider having a meal using the ingredients noted above. Hot oatmeal is ideal however. Avoid any type of fat (even in foods like coconut jelly, nuts, avocados and so on) as this may cause nausea during the flush.
    • Fast, ie using ONLY water after roughly 1:30 pm
    • From around 4 hours before bedtime, let's say 6 pm, prepare the pre-flush Epsom Salts solution.
    • Take the first of 4 doses of roughly 6oz (ie nearly 3/4 cup). To make it easier to drink this bitter solution, some people find it useful blocking the nose while swallowing. If you need, follow with a little citric juice, rinse out your mouth with water and or brush your teeth with baking soda to remove the bitter taste of the Epsom salts. 
    • Set your flush ingredients in a warm environment that will allow them to maintain a temperature that is room temperature or warmer.
    • By half hour before scheduled bedtime, let's say at 9:30 pm, you should already have noticed (loose) bowel movements from your first dose of the Epsom salts solution. If not, consider a water enema to remove any congestion in the colon. This is especially the case if you are outside of the post colonic or intensive enema period of roughly 2 days during which you might not have bowel movements.
    • Take another serving of the Epsom salts solution at roughly 2 hours after the first dose, let's say at around 8pm
    • Prepare your bed so you can lie immobile with you torso propped up comfortably above your abdominal region for at least 20 minutes. If necessary, prepare meditation music and other paraphernalia. Some people prepare a warm cloth to cover over liver region when you go to sleep, ie the upper right part of the abdominal region.
    • Optional. If you think you will have trouble sleeping, install your method of relaxation.
    • At bedtime, let's say about 10 pm, combine and drink the oil and citrus juice flush (see ingredients above) as quickly as possible and without interruption or, at least within 5 minutes. Drink this solution in the standing position. NB, if you have not yet had your first bowel movement, wait until immediately after that movement to drink this flush.
    • Immediately after drinking the citrus juice and oil mixture, lie immobile and in silence in bed on your right side and your knees as far up towards your head OR on your back with your torso propped up above your abdomen for at least 20 minutes. After the initial 20 minutes, you may return to your usual sleeping position, other than on your stomach. You may feel small, painless movements in your liver as the stones become dislodged. 
    • Avoid drinking water within 2 hours after taking the oil and citrus flush.
    • If you feel nauseous, consider taking apple cider vinegar in very little water. 
    • Remain in bed for the entire night other than when you need to use the toilet
  • POST Liver & Gall Bladder Flush - The morning and day after
    • NB throughout the day, you may drink water if you are thirsty. However, do not drink water immediately after drinking the Epsom salts.
    • The next morning, at roughly (but not before) 6 am, drink another dose of the Epsom salts solution. You may return to bed if you wish. However, it is best to remain in an upright position after this point.
    • Roughly 2 hours after the first dose of Epsom salts solution for the morning, ie at 8am, take the last dose of Epsom salts.
    • You are likely to begin to evacuate green or gray stones the size of coffee grounds. If you had been fasting and using enemas or colonics, you are likely to pass nothing other than the stones. If you do not see stones and especially if this is your first few times, continue the process regardless. Some people do not begin to pass stones until during their first 2 or 3 flushes.
    • Roughly 2 hours after the last dose (let's say at roughly 10 am), introduce fresh fruit juices back into your diet. 
    • During the course of the day, your body is likely to continue to release stones that are progressively harder, darker, heavier and bigger. Although everyone is different, you may see the following. Regarding the hypothesis that the stones are simply a combination of the flush ingredients and bile, this appears unlikely in part because the volume of stones often exceed the oil and other flush ingredients. Additionally, as seen below, the stones do not always or only have a color similar to that of bile.
      • In the afternoon after the oil mixture; watery bowel movements that consist of gall stones and food residue, then stones with only water.
      • The stones are usually green and shiny because of the bile compounds. Lighter colored stones are the newest while darker colored green stones are oldest.
      • Some stones formed as a regrouping of several small ones. 
      • Some stones have a bacterial clump? in their center. One likelihood is that the stone was formed as a result of bits of dead parasites, viruses and cysts passing through the liver. 
      • Most stones are no larger than a kernel of corn. However, some may be as large as golf balls.
      • Heavier, calcified stones are usually white or tan colored and sink to the bottom of the toilet. They usually come from the gall bladder and usually contain heavier, toxic substances. 
      • Foam. Foam consists of millions of tiny sharp-edged cholesterol crystals
    • You may begin to introduce foods that are very easy to digest like soft fresh fruits. Consult the list of whole foods above.
    • Rest to give your body a chance to recover
    • Roughly 2 days after the flush, perform colonics or enemas that may flush out any remaining toxic stones from your colon.
    • Repeat this process as required with the aim of performing flushes without stones over 2 consecutive flushes. Most people achieve this after roughly 12 or more flushes. It may be unsafe to avoid repeats of this process, specifically because of concerns of leaving un-flushed toxins in the body. Additionally stones that are lodged deeper in the liver may also begin to move forward in preparation for a subsequent flush.
      • When first addressing liver toxicity problems, some people repeat this process as frequently as once weekly or fortnightly, then less frequently. 
      • Persons doing the process routinely and without serious liver toxicity may repeat the process once every 3 weeks. 
  • If you have kidney concerns, a kidney cleanse is advisable.

  • The biliary system 101. Learn about the liver, gall bladder, gallstones and more.
  • This post and many proponents of the cleansing the liver and gall bladder have been inspired by the must-read book 'The Amazing Liver and Gall Bladder Flush' by Andreas Moritz.
  • Read how to prepare barley water to enhance kidney function 
  • Caring for the liver helps to protect against diabetes. Learn about the pancreas, insulin and diabetes.
  • This is how to make fresh, unsweetened tamarind juice 
    • Select roughly 10 large ripe tamarinds (the original sour, NOT sweet variety)
    • Remove the outter shell and place the bulb into a container of roughly 4 cups of warm filtered water
    • Vigorously shake to help dissolve the pulp away from the seeds and into the water
    • Allow to stand for roughly 1 to 2 hours during which you can shake the mixture further
    • Strain away the seeds and bits
    • Drink this tamarind water throughout the day
  • A step-by-step guide to full body cleanse
  • How to do a vaginal douche

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