
Flutter Breath of Fire Meditation

The flutter breath aka 'breath of fire' (or 'vipreet swas') is a quick meditative method of breathing entirely through the nose. Your inhalations and exhalations must be equal in length. It is ideal for manifestation work (with your vision board).

Benefits of the flutter breath of fire

  • It can help to raise your vibration. Raising your vibration relates to being able to reach a state (mentally and emotionally) that can best attract positive situations into your life. It is a matter of achieving theta brain waves, ie raising your frequency to those of your the superconscious mind.
  • It is useful for manifestation.
  • It is one of the quickest and most convenient ways of raising your vibration. Consequently, it can be used even when you generally have limited time or resources, like while traveling, at work and so on.

Steps for doing the flutter breath

  • Calm your mind. Strive to reach a state of stillness.
  • Sit or stand up comfortably straight. The straightness of your spine is ideal to keep your channel through all of your chakras as wide open as possible to allow energy to flow up through you and out of your crown towards the universal mind. The erectness of your spine should be natural to ensure that your breaths can be truly equal. Throughout the meditation, make a special point of keeping your back straight. In other words, be comfortable and relaxed. If possible while standing, stand barefooted on the bare earth to ground yourself to draw energy directly up from the ground.
  • Hold the dhyan hand mudra, upwards facing. My understanding is that this mudra symbolizes the mind - body connection. Maybe the pressure points even promote this connection. By holding this mudra (ie hand pose), you are amplifying that connection, (essentially through the hermetic principle of correspondence) and therefore re-stating physically to your body and mind your intentions for them to connect them deeply. Ultimately this intention instructs them into a deeper connection. Your palms should face upwards as this signals that you are in the receiving mode. Notice that the 3 straight fingers should be together and touching (not apart) while the thumb and index finger tips lightly touch.

  • Close your eyes. Closing the eyes helps to remove distractions (many of which triggers thoughts, even subconsciously).
  • For at least 2 minutes, breath quickly and quietly only through the nose with the mouth closed. This equates to roughly 3 to 5 times per second. The aim is to just breath swiftly (and quietly) while focusing on the breath. There is no need to breath loudly and heavily. BTW, it is normal to be unable to achieve this quick and even breath work at first. In that case, try more slowly. With regular practice, you will be able to speed up the process. If you are struggling as a beginner, set an alarm for 2 minutes.
  • Focus ONLY on your breath. Concentrate so intently on the in and outward flows of  air that you can not have the chance to think about anything else (not sounds around you, why things are happening or not and so on). 
  • After the flutter breath, focus on your manifestation intentions. Engage as fully as possible with your vision board. A vision board is a consistent reminder / call to action (usual visual) of dreams you want to manifest into your life. It must be specific and focus on the main realistic / truly potential dream (ie rather than too many that scatter your focus). The vision board is useful for overcoming the common tendency of losing sight of your new year resolutions or other goals and therefore not reaching them. This is why consistency is important to keeping your vision in the forefront of your mind so that your daily actions and attitudes can align with your vision. Choose the level of specificity that works best for you. For instance, if you might want to travel around the entire world but can not yet afford to leave your town, make the vision board around traveling to your capital city or even crossing the nearest boarder to the next country. For instance, make a collage of images that represent your dream. However, whenever possible, personalize it. For instance, the YouTuber Jillz (vision board demonstration below) used an image of her YouTube channel profile image and name and then inserted the number of subscribers to the larger number she wanted. Prepare your vision board with much care. For instance, make it aesthetically appealing. Seeing your vision board may help you to do what is required to get a passport, research appropriate countries and so on. Needless to say, after the flutter breath, avoid negativity or other distractions from your vision like technology.

    YouTube video by Jillz Guerin 'How to make the perfect vision board to create your dream life
  • Repeat this process consistently, ideally daily.


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