
Autumn Equinox

An equinox is the half-way point of the astrological year. Astronomically, an equinox is a specific minute during which the equator is perfectly aligned with the sun. For this reason, if you researched the equinox for any year, you will receive a date AND time. Arguably, this alignment translates into nearly equal amounts of light and darkness on the planet, called an 'equilux'. In reality, this is debatable because light refracts around the curvature of the earth, meaning that light is still visible beyond sunrise or sunset and one's latitude also impacts amount of visible light and darkness. Needless to say, despite this debate, the equinox is always fixed, regardless of one's physical location on Earth. The equinox marks the changing of seasons.

The autumn equinox aka mabon marks the transition from Summer (when days were longer than its nights). This transition is marked by the fact that the earth tilts towards the converse, ie towards Winter, a season whose nights are longer than days. Summer was brighter and warmer while Autumn will mark the shift towards a darker and colder time. On these bases, paying homage to the autumn equinox can be spiritually significant because of the correspondences between the cosmos and the fractal level of an individual human life.

Taking cues from nature
Kemetic culture recognizes the constant cycles in creation; ie death and rebirth in nature like the equinox, seasonal or any other natural cycles. This culture observes how these cycles correspond with personal human life and a connection with universal forces. Needless to say, it is quite unlike the Gregorian calendar that Julius Caesar introduced to tell time.  

  • bear that hibernates from October until the snow melts does into a sleep-state that might be likened to a human who retreats to heal in quiet, without external distractions like the bear's food and external stimuli. The sleep-like state is called torpor which is a state of physical and mental inactivity, loosely comparable with meditation or isolation. During torpor they slow down their body's functions to such a degree that they may not even need to ear or drink water for as long as 6 or 7 months.
  • The 4 stages of metamorphosis of butterflies and moths (egg, larva, pupa and adult) are an example of seasons of a sentient being. The pupa is the transition stage during which the caterpillar goes into a dormant state of isolation. While it may appear that nothing is happening, huge transformations are occurring. Special cells that were always present in the earlier stage but unawaken grow rapidly at this stage to become legs, wings, eyes and other parts of an adult butterfly. Ultimately, after this being's autumnal equinox, it emerges in a way that looks vastly different from its prior self.
  • The hot climate version of a hibernating bear is how a snail estivates during very hot and dry periods of scarcity. Snails draw deeply within their shells and bury themselves under the surface of the soil and go into a state of torpor.
  • The other upcoming equinox (the Spring equinox) can mark the start of a new year. Maybe this is the reason that eggs are used to represent Easter.

Spiritual significance of the autumn equinox, an opening gateway & discernment
Reminiscent of the bear going into hibernation from autumn, the autumn equinox is a time of retreat, healing, deep contemplation, introspection, ascetism (certainly unlike its celebratory opposite, the Spring equinox). Similar to the greater portion of darkness when the sun can not be seen, this period corresponds to human life and its need to focus on the darker, unseen side of oneself that we usually keep hidden. 

In other words, this is a time of doing 'shadow work' or returning to source as a means of regenerating oneself for the upcoming abundance of the upcoming spring. Regeneration typically involves learning about those 'dark' sides. These dark parts can relate to addressing unused talents and hobbies, recognizing toxic situations and trauma that do not resonate with your spiritual trajectory and so on. This relates to any aspect of your mind, body or spirit. The spring involves walking in harmony with your true purpose as intended by the universe. This is the path that brings most fulfilment. In short, this period is ideal for deep introspection and planning for the future spring or re-birth. Despite its apparent depressiveness, see it as the opportunity to take some steps back to gather strength you need to launch forward.

Video by YouTuber Girl Boss SA 'Autumn Equinox Breakdown'

The equinox is a gateway between the outward expressions of Sun-dominated Summer and the inward flowing energy of introspection, approaching the moon-dominated winter. 

Astrologers suggest that this opened gateway is an opportunity to download Christ energy of intuition and inspiration and to return to simplicity (away from worldly distractions). Part of the introspection also requires you to see how to focus on changing your inner world in order to get more joy, regardless of the external world. In other words, rather than try to change the outer world or external forces, inner world mastery allows you to enjoy peace, even despite chaos in your outer world.

Correspondences with particular spiritual practices include the following.
  • Tarot card 'the hermit (IX)'. Quite symbolically, the imagery of the hermit is of a mature bearded man. The fact that he walks alone and in darkness highlight the isolation away from external influence. His only guidance to illuminate the path ahead is a bright lantern that he carries. Symbolically, this suggests that his only influence is internal because he is heavily reliant on his inner self and not external forces around him. Words associated with this card include ascension, illumination and introspection
  • The Mercury retrograde is an astronomical illusion in which Mercury appears to be moving backwards. Since the planet is associated with communication, the retrograde is seen as backward stepping and retreat (and often blamed for miscommunication or mental health challenges like depression or anxiety). Astrologers suggest that these 3-week periods are unsuitable for discussing sensitive matters, big purchases or major contracts (or at least without extraordinary due diligence). Spiritually, energy spins inwards and more deeply into one's own mind and intuition. 
  • Mabon is an alternate Welsh name for autumnal equinox. It is one of the 8 Wiccan sabbats celebrated during each year. (A sabbat or sabbath is a day of religious observance and abstinence from work).
  • The Green Man from Druidism is the spirit of all vegetation. Symbols may include trees. He is balanced, characterizing neither good nor evil. He just is and governs growth from beautiful flowers we love to the unwanted vines that strangle them. Honoring the green man is often done by connecting with mature trees at their roots.

In addition to using the equinox to prepare for the upcoming Spring, one may use it to also prepare for the upcoming eclipse cycle (in October in the Northern hemisphere). About eclipses.

Responding to the autumn equinox portal
Common practices around the autumn equinox include the following.
  • Connect with nature 
    • Walk through nature. Spend time barefooted to ground yourself with the earth. Pause at the root of a tree to meditate on your connection with Mother Earth, visualizing your roots extending into the earth. Thank Mother Earth for the harvest of Summer (good health, your ability to have done something that you did, etc). Also observe and connect with the shifting / waning energies of equinox. 
    • Give an offering to nature. Before going into the quiet of autumn, give thanks for the abundance of Summer. This is the basis for the harvest celebration traditions. You may place a fruit, twig, leaves from your garden. I like selecting items from my most abundant and beloved plants that gave me the most harvest. You may also pour juice at the roots of a tree with which you connect.
    • Collect articles for your altar from nature. See discussion about an altar for the autumn equinox above.
    • Preserve and consume items of this time. Preservation or storage of something useful for scarce times is one of the keywords of autumn. As the Summer ends and the autumn begins, some Summer produce becomes less scarce. Consider feasting on and preserving produce fitting this description that is emblematic to your location. Example(s). Wine was made by fermenting the Summer harvest of fruits like grapes. This process was rushed before autumn became too cold for grape vines to sustain unpicked grapes. Consider fermenting or otherwise preserving your location-specific produce. Options include making 
      • kvass with local fruits and or vegetables. A kvass is a fermented drink with very low levels of alcohol or tartness.  
      • Tepache, a fermented drink using only sugar and water with pineapple peels.
      • Fermented ginger with sugar (other fruits as an option) and yeast

  • Clear up space physically, mentally and emotionally. Example(s).
    • physically speaking, this involves cleaning your physical space or at least your altar. Get rid of things you no longer need. Burn sage to energetically clear your space or burn incense. Set up flowers or whatever pleases you
    • Do the same regarding thoughts and relationships. Do banishment rituals and use your symbolic broom to clean the area.
  • Set up an autumn equinox aka 'mabonaltar. Collect natural items that are signatures of the season in your area to customize your altar to the equinox. For instance, if your area experiences colorful leaf fall, collect some of the fallen leaves. Other more tropical or sub-tropical examples that might not include leaf fall include fruits or flowers that are specific to the autumn in your area. You can also collect items in nature to make your own autumn symbols. Example(s). 
    • Brooms (spiritual besoms) for rituals. A besom is a tool used to swipe away negative or stagnant energy. It is ideal for the autumn equinox. It is typically made of twigs, dried herbs from the current equinox harvest, , ribbons, charms, crystals and the like tied around a stick. A broom is therefore a type of besom. Broom represent fertility (I suspect of new ideas and plans for the spring). They represent the balance of diving masculine as represented by the phallic handle and the divine feminine energies, represented by the hairy bristles. These may be made of anything like a cinnamon stick to represent the masculine energy with rosemary at one end to represent the feminine energy. Since brooms are associated with cleaning, they seem to also signify a cleaning away of the old to make way for the new season. 

    • Harvest of abundant fruits. Cornucopia (a horn of plenty). 
    • Fire for burning old things. You may list things that you need to burn.
  • Become like the hibernating bear and acknowledge your pupa-like phase (that resembles the pupa phase of a butterfly's metamorphosis). When possible, isolate yourself from (worldly) distractions.
    • Plant bulbs in the warm darkness of the earth, in keeping with hibernation and preparation for future spring. I even plant garlic bulbs which are most readily available to me.
  • Meditation and rituals. Be clear about your current position and what needs to be kept or let go.  Set an intention for the session.
    • Harvest celebration. Ideally, make lists of things to be celebrated (in your 'spiritual Summer'. Acknowledging these things helps to set your mindset of abundance. Since these are things you wish to keep, you may write these reasons for your gratitude on leaves that you place into a box to which you can access from time to time into the future.
      • Important lessons learnt.
      • Good health
      • Safe living situation
      • Reliable people and so on.  
    • Declare your purpose for upcoming season and vision of yourself.  
      • Consider not only your personal transformation but also how you affect the collective consciousness
      • I started my own little tradition of making wine during this period ... even though I do not generally drink alcohol. The quiet transformative process of fermentation is symbolic and I am preparing the juice today in a quiet dark place so that it can be enjoyed in the Spring equinox as wine. I tried to make wine with fruits and vegetables that can render the color of the chakra that needed the most work. For instance, red beetroots are not only the color red but a root vegetable and therefore ideal for representing the first chakra. The orange wine I made from papaya and ginger represented the 2nd chakra to me. That way, symbolically, the making of the wine is like the conception of my future self (as it relates to the corresponding chakra) and the Spring equinox would be the birth or rebirth of my future self. While the wine ferments, I can look very closely to see the rising bubbles as a sign that, slowly but surely, the transformation is underway. I could then drink the wine to celebrate at that time of my (re)birth in the spring. I can also offer some of the wine as a powerful libation. Watch the rising bubbles in the video immediately below. See how I make wine

      • Planting bulbs that will blossom in Spring are another version of the wine gesture.
    • In honor of the vision, meditate on things from the old season that must be let go. These are things, people and habits that no longer serve your vision. 
      • This may involve 
    • Create your alter ego that you will assume permanently. Formulate your new alter ego. Meditate on things that will help you to achieve your purpose in some way or other. Unapologetically embrace the opportunity to re-invent yourself however you see fit. Be specific about what you need and emotionally connect with your already having attained them.
    • As the uncertainty of change in darker months brings anxiety, ask the universe for protection and guidance in this new season
  • See immediately below how others pay homage to the Autumn equinox.

Fun facts
  • During equinoxes, the sun has a stronger magnetic pull on the planet than any other time. Consequently, systems of water are strongly affected by the sun. 
    • This is why you likely see heavy downpours of rain near the equator around September. ... and stronger tides. 
    • The transatlantic hurricane season peaks in September (starting in mid-August and ending at the end of November).
  • Some keywords associated with autumn include the following. They may inspire the quiet celebrations of the time. 
    • abundance (from the Summer harvest); change; preservation (like preserved Summer foods that are worth keeping); balance (between opposite energies whether masculine and feminine to be modest overall);  
  • A few different traditional symbols are used for the autumnal equinox 
    • half sun and moon. This shows the transition from the Sun-dominated Summer time towards the moon-dominated winter via the autumn. 

    • The double spiral. Since this equinox is a bridge between 2 seasons, the symbol illustrates the essence of the 2 seasons: the out-breath of the Summer and the in-breath of incoming winter. 


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