DIY natural permanent hair dye to turn hair from gray to black

This DIY hair dye is a natural alternative to the chemical dyes in stores, especially those containing PPD. PPD is found especially in darker hair dyes. Unfortunately, many people have allergic reactions to PPD, sometimes even ending up in the hospital. This natural hair dye is not as quick. However, it works very well, without the health risks.

This recipe combines the 2 main ingredients (henna and indigo powders) before applying them to the hair. While the alternative of applying and rinsing out the henna before doing the same for indigo is equally effective, this method of combining the 2 powders saves time because it requires only one application and rinse. Consequently, it is my preference. Needless to say, my preference still has a multi-part process for combining the ingredients. (People might prefer the longer process because the henna turns the hair orange, which makes it easier to see precisely where to apply the indigo powder if you want to target only those specific areas.

Steps: Part 1 - Henna

  1. Wash your hair with a clarifying shampoo.
  2. Combine the following ingredients
    1. henna powder. Henna powder needs several hours of activation in water before having its effect. Alone, it turns gray hair orange.
    2. a liquid from the following options. It should be enough to gradually transform the henna powder into a paste with the consistency of runny yogurt
      1. water 
      2. slightly acidic liquid. Acidity breaks down the dye molecule, thereby making it more readily available to the hair. Options include 
        1. very concentrated brewed coffee
        2. lemon juice, fresh or bottled
      3. liquid conditioner because henna can be drying to the hair  /  red hibiscus flower tea. 
      4. optional. a touch of oil for moisture.
  3. Allow the paste to stand for at least 3 hours

    Steps: Part 2 - Indigo 

    1. Apart from the mixture above, add the following ingredients before then combining them with the mixture above.
      • indigo powder, from 2 to 6 times the amount in volume of the henna powder above. Indigo powder really needs roughly 10 minutes of activation in liquid before being ready for application to the only slightly damp hair. When combined with henna powder, it turns hair black. People who do not have gray hair but only want to darken their black hair can use indigo powder alone. Since indigo powder is like a clay, it is harder to mix in water. Use a fork to mix with liquid.
        • For hair to turn black

          • 1 part henna
          • 2 to 6 or 7 parts indigo

      • brewed coffee (to loosen up paste)
      • salt, pinch. Salt helps to more readily release the indigo dye.

    Steps: Part 3 - Application 

    1. Apply to washed hair with gloved hands and old clothing. Avoid having oils on your hair as that will inhibit the color transfer.
    2. Leave uncovered for 2 - 4 hours if you want a very deep black. Leaving the dye in beyond 4 hours is unlikely to make any difference.
    3. Rinse with only water. Use a conditioner as an option. However, do not shampoo at this point. 
    4. If the orange from the henna remains, reapply indigo paste. In the event that you notice a green cast from the indigo, let it be because it will darken over the next few hours.


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