Hermetic Principle of Vibration

This is the 3rd instalment of a 7-part series on the 7 hermetic principles of natural law.

#3. Principle of Vibration

"Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates." Kybalion

In high school Science, I learnt that atoms are the smallest physical components of everything; air, liquids, solids and so on. An interesting point was that these atoms are energetic, in that they are in constant motion, even for densely solid objects. In other words, even though a rock seems to be perfectly still, it is actually vibrating at an atomic level. This illusion can be likened to the way in which some objects appear still when they are vibrating at their fastest, like the blades of a fan on high speed or wheels of a very fast moving car. This appearance of stillness occurs when there is a lot more energetic movement per unit of time. In short, vibration is about energy. It refers to the movement of energy through something external to itself (regarding speed and pattern).

Had my Physics and Chemistry teachers been more holistic, they would have also said that, by referring to "everything", this concept also implies intangible matter like emotions, consciousness, thoughts, opinions, moods, spiritual entities, music and so on. Vibration also relates to 'aether' or electromagnetism as observed to be the 5th element (ie beyond just the 4 of earth, water, air and fire).

What distinguishes manifestations (whether tangible or intangible) is the electromagnetic frequency (EMF) of energy vibrating around them, specifically the pace and manner of the vibration. For instance, each specimen of any species of medicinal herb is arguably 'possessed' by a very particular 'spirit' because it vibrates at a unique frequency, ie at the same unique pace and manner as any other of its species, regardless of where it is planted. The frequency is so unique and special that it is recognizable anywhere on the planet. Needless to say, each individual specimen, including you as a human has a unique vibration.

At one polar extreme, the universal mind vibrates at the highest frequency. Conversely, more base forms of matter vibrate at the lowest frequency. The rest of the world vibrates between these 2 polar extremes. 

There are 3 types of vibration (1- forced, 2 - free and 3 - dampened).
  1. Forced vibration occurs when some type of force continues to exert itself so as to create the vibration, continually. The input of the force may be stable or even sporadic for instance. Example(s)
    • consistent daily devotion to projecting certain thoughts  
    • consistency with spiritual practice. This is particularly key if you are under spiritual attack, especially if your enemies are consistent with their spiritual work. This is commonly called "altar against altar". The 'altar' that wins is not about who is more moral but who is more consistent. In such a case, consistent devotion is a far better defense or attack than resting on your laurels that love and light conquers all. Afterall, evil has a fair chance at winning under natural law. YouTube video by Martina 'They are not more powerful than you: Altar vs Altar'
    • (physical world). Someone beating a drum at intervals.  
  2. Free vibration continues after a one-off forced vibration. It is called free because it is allowed to linger naturally without the interference of any further external force. Consequently, over time, the free vibration dissipates, aka 'damps down'. Example(s)
    • One-off ceremonial magick rituals
    • (In the physical world). A string of a guitar that is plucked once or tuning bowl that is struck only once and continues to vibrate for a while. This lingering vibration continues to make a sound for a while before fully dissipating.
  3. Dampened vibration. I believe dampening vibrations are those that counteract other vibrations so as to dampen or dissipate them.
    • The energy of haters and people who try to discourage you from your goal.
    • (Physical world) The vibration of shock absorbers in cars dampen rattling sounds of a car engine. 

How managing your vibration can be life changing: (the secondary law of attraction)
Since each feeling, mood, sense of purpose and thought has a specific emotional frequency that correlates with it, you can intentionally polarize your mind with the frequency while visualizing what you want. 

This works because things on the same frequency can connect with and attract each other, much like how a radio picks up a station when set to its transmission frequency. This is why there is much talk of 'raising one's vibration' to whatever you want to attract. For instance, if you want to attract a safe, loving environment, you need to train your conscious and subconscious minds to think you are already in that safe, loving environment ... and assume the corresponding avatar so that you can ultimately attract it. BTW, this is the basis on which the law of attraction works.

External vibration attunement
When there is a psychic connection (aka psychic cord) between individuals, one affects the other at the quantum physics level (ie at the atomic and subatomic levels). This has long been discussed casually as a bond between twins. However, even modern science has also observed this and now recognizes that this connection occurs beyond normal laws regarding physical distance and time. Essentially, each individual's unique vibration is recognizable at the quantum / sub-atomic level of consciousness. 

  • The experiment using a mother rabbit and her offspring illustrates that psychic bond exists even beyond physical contact. The mother's brain waves were monitored while held in a submarine, far away from her off spring in a laboratory. The precise moment that her off spring died, her brain waves became intensely altered
  • The famous "double slit experiment" illustrates that the simple act of watching any type of matter, even inanimate matter, can alter its behavior. If the mere presence of consciousness can do that, what about highly intentional consciousness? 

The implications of this is that you can use vibrations as an intentional conscious effort to influence not only your mind but also of others and the superconsious mind as a whole. Digressing momentarily to the principle of mentalism, this is why you should police your words, thoughts and especially more intense ruminations. Clearly, your vibration is connected to something far bigger and complex than any individual, the universal mind. While each individual exists in its egoic individualism, each is connected as a component of the universal mind. All the different intentional vibrations thrown out into the universal mind compete for dominance. 

(Consequently, your dominant and most intense emotional thoughts immediately start to do whatever they can to bring your reality into alignment. In other words, your emotions establish your vibration. Needless to say, doubts weaken your vibration and its ability to win in the super highway of competing vibrations.)

Resonance among people may be the reason that groups influence individuals to behave and feel in ways individuals might not have alone.
  • Watching movies in a cinema is always a different experience to watching it alone on a television in my living room.
  • It has been frequently observed that most by-standers are motivated into action to help someone they always knew were in need when someone else initiates the action of helping that person.
  • Gang stalking, character assassination, flying monkey activity and so on are typical ways in which (negative) ideas can be spread and amplified among others with whom the frequency of hatred is a vibrational match.

Your frequency is NOT a matter for the tone police
Tone policing is a type of ad hominem aimed at the tone of an argument instead of its factual or logical content. It is a tactic used to dismiss ideas being communicated when those ideas are seen as angry, frustrated, sad, fearful or some other negative emotion. In other words, tone policing is a considerable mis-use of the principle of vibration for one-upmanship. Often this involves arguing that people in a state of any negative emotion, whether anger, fear and so on should 'raise their vibration'. For instance, this is a typical response to avoid assuming the kind responsibility of support to someone in need. People unwilling to listen to someone else's situation and request often shut down cries for help with the retort that the person needing help only needs to 'raise their vibration' or to 'let go' of negativity. This can be re-traumatizing for someone who has been seriously traumatized and in real need of emotional support that can help them to raise their vibration for positive manifestation and to let go of the effects of trauma. Also; this is a typical response of abusers when challenged by their victim. They suddenly shout 'calm down', claim fear for their lives and so on.

However, having said this, I want to stress that natural law is NOT moralistic. (Besides, the concept of 'morality' is too culturally and temporally subjective to fit within the immutability of natural law). So I am not making a moral point.

Too often, positive and negative emotions are rigidly associated with high and low frequency respectively. The problem is that, sometimes, positive emotions may trap you in dangerous naivety when, what you need is frustration and anger to force you into action away from things that negatively impact you life and towards manifesting what you desire. Of course, as the principle of polarity shows, depolarization at least most of the time is required. So you would not want to remain constantly angry or frustrated. However, those emotions may push you to finally leave a toxic relationship, work place and so on. 

When it comes to manifestation, the issue is more about the intensity than type of emotions. Intense emotions are the most ideal for manifestation. More intense emotions send higher vibrations or stronger signals to your consciousness at all levels. On that basis, witness your emotions (positive and negative) and determine whether they are intense and can help or hinder your progression towards your goals. 

The law of attraction is secondary to the principle of vibration. In other words, before you can manifest something, your vibration should be appropriately attuned.

YouTube video by IntroBooks Education 'The law of vibration'

How to raise and maintain a high vibration
  • Consciously condition your subconscious mind. Having desires on only the conscious level will not bear fruit if the subconscious mind is not aligned. Read about the principle of mentalism.
  • Engage in activities that naturally raise vibration. 
    • being in nature, natural foods, exercise, loving relationships, pets, gardening, getting sunlight, exercise, inspirational movies
  • Support others without absorbing lower vibrations. This involves listening for ways in which action can be taken. Outside of this, distance yourself and avoid becoming enmeshed in the lives of others, especially when you can and you do not resonate with them.
  • Avoid vibrational hindrances. 
    • entertainment that prevent you from hearing and connecting with your personal unique frequency. Ensure that you can always check in with how you are thinking and feeling. 
    • excessive exposure to damaging radiation from mobile phones
    • naysayers to your goals
  • Be watchful of external messaging from any source that can influence others. This includes authority figures and mass or social media. Consider how the father of propaganda, Edward Bernays suggested ideas, however false to the public and encouraged acceptance by engaging people's emotional aspirations. For instance, he encouraged women to embrace smoking as a gateway to feeling free. He therefore created the association of smoking with images of freedom among women.


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